Chapter Twenty Eight

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I couldn't sleep. I didn't want to. I simply wanted to lay there, staring at Harry all night. It felt like a great way to spend my time. He seemed amenable, being that he'd yet to move or even suggest we move.

I balanced my chin on my hand which was splayed out on his chest. His head was rested comfortably in the pillow while his fingers ghosted up and down my bare back. His eyes studied the ceiling.

"What?" I asked. He looked to be so deep in thought.

He looked down,

"Just thinking..." He answered softly.

"About what?" I prodded.

He sighed, his face slightly uncomfortable,

"You're my best friend." His eyes lifted to mine, "You know that, right?"

I felt my heart flutter in my chest but I only nodded in response, too afraid I would cry if I actually allowed sound out of my mouth.

He shook his head as his eyes averted down away from mine,

"If I ever did anything to hurt you...I..."

"Hey..." I said, suddenly more concerned with him than I was for my own emotions, "What is this?"

He sighed, I could see his lip tremble just slightly and then he pulled it together,

"I just..." He met my gaze again, "I love you so much and I just want us to always be able to talk to each other about anything."

I chewed my lip nervously. I always figured my silence on things I was feeling was sparing him the irritation but it seemed I was quite misguided,

"I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you about how insecure I was feeling." I shrugged, "Maybe if I had been this never would've happened."

He shook his head,

"I'm not blaming you for anything."

"No, I know." I paused, "But I should've told you I wasn't...altogether...comfortable."

He rested a hand against my cheek,

"I want you to know something. You are my priority. No song, no concert, no movie...nothing will ever be more important than you."

Should I have been cautious? I wasn't. I felt like all the awkward relationships, all the mistakes, all the issues I'd had led me to this point where it all finally made sense.

I wanted to tell him everything. But I had to pace myself,

"I got the job." I whispered.

He immediately smiled,

"I knew you would."

"I start in two weeks."

He quirked his brows,

"Any plans before then?"

I pushed myself up to press my lips to his making it well known just what my plans for the next two weeks were.


Leaving Harry had been harder than I ever imagined it would be. The two weeks we were together in France were like something out of a dream. Harry even invited my parents to the set so they could be a part of it. My father was beside himself, firing questions like an excited kid at a museum.

While he was at the set, I traipsed around the city taking pictures. I wanted to make sure I was firing on all cylinders when I saw Margot again. When I got back to London, I went straight to my dark room to get to work.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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