The Night It Happened

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Kabuto walked through his new home. Thoughts raced through his mind, making him feel nauseous and dizzy. Orochimaru led him to a room.

"You can stay in here. You'll start working on something tomorrow," he said with a small smile.

"Thank you sir.." Kabuto said respectfully with a small bow. He took a deep breath as Orochimaru walked away.

Kabuto walked into the small, dim room. The bricks were a warm brown, and the room was lit by stick candles mounted to the walls. He quietly closed the door. There was a twin sized bed in the corner of the room, and a desk and chair in the middle against the wall.

He walked over to it, placing a hand on its cold wooden surface. He tried to push away the thoughts of what had just happened, but his mind couldn't help but circle back around to his mother. He sighed shakily, feeling tears fill his eyes. They threatened to spill. Kabuto shook his head.

Kabuto took out a small notebook. It had notes from his last mission. He tore out the pages he'd written on. The thought of this information terrorized him as he thought of the man who he was supposed to deliver it to. The man who caused this. The man who made him kill the one person he loved most.

He looked at a candle on the desk, and then the papers in his hand. He grabbed the candle and held the papers above them, ready to burn them to ash. The fire caught a little, scorching the edges of the reports. His stomach lurched and he quickly pulled them back, setting down the candle and putting out the fire before the flames could devour the rest of his diligent notes.

What am I doing?! I can't burn them! If I do, this will all be for nothing! No... I need to keep them.. They may come in handy.. He thought, setting the papers down on the desk. He slipped them into a drawer along with a pencil and the notebook. He looked at the bed.

He walked over to the bed and sat on it. He looked at the bedside table, then took off his glasses. He stared at them for a moment before placing them carefully on the table. His hands were shaking a little. He swallowed and slowly laid down, getting under the covers. He laid there for a while. He found it hard to fall asleep as the thoughts kept streaming through his mind a mile a minute.

What if I hadn't left the orphanage..?

What if I hadn't messed up the mission..?

What if mother said no to them.. Would she still be dead..?

What if.. I died.. instead?

Kabuto shuddered.

He closed his eyes, but the second he did, images of Nono laying in front of him dying as he helplessly tried to save her with the skill she taught him flashed across his mind. Her voice echoed in his brain.


Who am I...

Kabuto eventually passed out from exhaustion.

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