CH51 - Lamenting Beauty

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"Either he's full of himself or he's really bored." Yusuke guessed. 

"He should probably need to get a life or something. . ." I said out of the blue because my god this little brat is just the worse. Sure he gave my brother a second chance and helped me with the Phoenix problem, but jeez he is still an irresponsible brat at times. 'He won't win an Oscar with this, that's for sure.' I can't help but comment to myself in my mind.

"Welcome, how do you like my video?" Koenma asked as he finally revealed himself on the screen. He turned his chair and looked in our direction. "The great Koenma, ruler of the Spirit World has yet another important case for you."

"Man, I still can't believe that this is guy get you two get your jobs from." Kazuma said as he pointed at the screen.

"I thought the same thing when I met him, and Botan hit me in the head." Yusuke said, agreeing with his friend.

"Perhaps that's why Koenma is doing a video this time." The blunette girl concluded as she waved her hand in front of her. "He can't bear these first reactions."

"Hn." I scoffed as I crossed my arms over my chest and shook my head in annoyance.

"This mission will be another doozy." The baby announced, making Kazuma stop chuckling. "Hopefully, you will survive." Wow, as always, he is soo encouraging. . .

"By the way, don't worry about people entering the room." Koenma started, but it tunes out for a while, because my ears suddenly caught the door opening behind me. I turned my head and saw Kuwabara's sister Shizuru enter with a cigarette mouth and cups on a plate that was held by her right hand. Her gaze fell onto the tv and by just looking at her face I can tell the topic had drawn her in.

"Come on, that's just some cheap camera trick." Yusuke idiotic complaining brought me back to reality and now my attention darted back to the tv screen.

"This looks hard Urameshi." Kuwabara murmured out loud in a sarcastic tone.

"Shut up!" My brother snapped at him.

"Spirit World intelligence reports that the captive is being held in a mountain stronghold around 200 miles from your city, and not being a driving age yourself, you will have to take the bus." The young ruler continued on with the speech. "The mountain is a base of criminal activity, normally I don't mind that, but the humans have made ties with some very nasty demons." Well, this sounds interesting. "The captive's name is, Yukina." My heart stopped for a split second as I feel my eyes opening up wide. Wait. . . isn't she. . . ?

"She's an ice apparition, and very rare." I intensely looked at the screen. "Equally rare are the beautiful jewels she can produce, which is why the criminals have captured her." The toddler then brought up a small round pearl-like gem that shined as brightly as a star. "They hope to profit greatly off of Yukina, forcing her to create these jewels at an unnatural pace, and by force, I mean torture." That made my blood boil.

"That's horrible." Botan reflected my thoughts exactly.

"You see, there is only one way to make the jewels." The young ruler continued on. "Her tears." Then the scene suddenly changed to a close up to Yukina's face who just let a small tear roll down from her cheek, but as soon as the drop fell from her chin it shaped into the said jewel.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora