“Your lordship looks lively enough, don’t you want to come out?”

The man’s laughter sounded sweet, like an acquaintance who was just joking around but the shocked Chu Yu broke out in a cold sweat. In case this was just a trap, Chu Yu continued to crouch down under the tree, silent.

He is injured right now and it wouldn’t be prudent to be excessively involved in this type of incident.

“Under the tree.”

The man spoke plainly. Chu Yu looked up and heard a “Shing” sound as Xie Xi, who had been following close behind him, blocked a sword strike. Xie Xi had rushed forward to save Chu Yu.

The young master put his hands behind his back as he stood in front of the tree. He looked at Chu Yu first then at Xie Xi. He said in a surprised voice: “It’s you?” After a pause, he said in a murderous tone of voice: “I didn’t expect to meet you two. Since we’ve met, there’s no need to leave.”

Chu Yu quickly figure out the situation: he and Xie Xi had been traveling for a few days. Both of them were tired. Xie Xi has not meditated to restore his spiritual energy. In addition, he himself is injured. Therefore, if they attacked these dozens of Demonic Path cultivators who were full of energy would be tantamount to suicide.

Quickly glancing at the treasures in his interspatial ring, Chu Yu slowly sighed.

Maybe he won’t die but Xie Xi will.

Still, having said that, if the protagonist were to die, that wouldn’t be fun.

Chu Yu mustn’t think about it too much. He raised his sword and shouted loudly: “Xie Xi!”

Xie Xi was pleasantly surprised. Sweeping away a few cultivators with a sword strike, Xui Xi turned to Chu Yu and said: “Shixiong, Shixiong you want to talk to me?”

Child, please stop planting flags like this. I beg you, please be mindful of your status as the protagonist ….5

Chu Yu was speechless for a moment as he dodged the incoming swords. His voice sank: “You don’t want me to be angry at you? Alright, then leave at once. I will be right behind you.”

Xie Xi stared at him blankly: “I can’t.”

“This isn’t negotiable. Either you do it or you can no longer call me Shixiong in the future.” Chu Yu kept his face impassive even though the wound on his abdomen had opened up again. He immediately regretted being too afraid to waste time before to take his medicine.

Xie Xi’s face went pale and he said in a panicked voice: “Shixiong, don’t ignore me … You, you will be right behind me? Really?”

Chu Yu paused: “Certainly.”

He doesn’t want to spend ten years in this shithole.

Xie Xi was silent for a moment then said: “If I do that then, Shixiong, you really will forgive me?”

“As long as you leave immediately,” Chu Yu said.

Xie Xi gritted his teeth. He struck at the cultivators opposite him, opening up a path, then he moved like the wind and quickly disappeared from Chu Yu’s sight.

Chu Yu breathed a sigh of relief. The young master said with a smile: “Chu Yu? Jiao Xia’s Chu family’s second son? Your Shidi ran away and abandoned you. Surrender.”

Chu Yu ruthlessly wiped off the blood from the edge of his lips. He snorted: “You know **** all!”

That child Xie Xi was so strongly attached to Chu Yu that if he were to say that he would forgive Xie Xi if he died right away, he wouldn’t hesitate.

This kind of sincerity is too deep and terrible.

Chu Yu waited until Xie Xi was farther away then he took a gold bowl out of his interspatial ring and activated it. The small golden bowl flashed then Chu Yu was completely covered by its protective shield.

The young master of the Demonic Path cultivators recognized this thing. For just a moment he was taken aback then he suddenly laughed: “You’re going to sit there and not move? I’m waiting for the Devouring Spirit Worm so even if the Mausoleum Ruins close, I can still leave. Do you intend to sit there for ten years?”

Chu Yu’s face was impassive: “I’m not worried about you.”

The young master sneered at him coldly and sat down cross-legged as though he also had no intention of leaving. Time gradually passed. The gray haze in the sky slowly dispersed and gradually revealed a sky the color of blood.

In a trance, Chu Yu heard Xie Xi’s voice. He slowly closed his eyes.

In terms of cultivating, ten years is but an instant.

He will sit here for ten years. The plot went wrong but perhaps ten years later Xie Xi will have turned back to the path of a harem master protagonist.

The seal around the Mausoleum Ruins closed.

The faces of the people outside changed expression in different ways.

Song Yuanzhuo shook his head, sighing. He said in seeming regret: “Unfortunately, Chu Shizhi was not able to escape.”

Xie Xi’s brain was full of static.

Song Jingyi’s eyes hid his secret joy at the misfortune of others, but he schooled his expression into one of pity: “I didn’t expect that Chu Shidi would sacrifice himself to let Xie Shidi escape …”

Xie Xi’s face was full of anguish. Lu Qingan, his face solemn, gripped Xie Xi’s shoulder: “Xi-er!”

Xie Xi’s eyes were bloodshot. He trembled: “Shizun … Shizun, I lost Da Shixiong … “

Lu Qingan was silent.

Xie Xi suddenly broke away from Lu Qingan’s hold and ran towards the entrance to the Mausoleum Ruins as though he was crazy. He collapsed and shouted: “Shixiong! Shixiong! Shixiong!”

But the entrance to the Mausoleum Ruins was closed.

He sat down, tears streaming down his face. He murmured: “You lied to me …”

His life, no spring and autumn, only winter and summer. Cold and hot; ultimately without resolution.6


Translator’s Notes:

Whew! I finally finished this chapter. It was super long, lol! *cough* I still don’t have an editor so please leave a comment if you find errors. Thank you.
What a crazy ending … our poor little fishie will be stuck inside the Mausoleum Ruins for ten whole years?? I hope no one blames Chu Yu for this. As he said, he didn’t actually want to get stuck in that s***hole but was forced to sacrifice himself to save the protagonist.
I’ve been rather troubled by money problems so if you could donate via http://ko-fi.com/bcnovels, I would really appreciate it. Even a small amount would be useful since I’m really short on money right now. Thanks.

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