Chapter II

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A/N: I finally thought I would just continue it for fun. Someone might like it and I hope so :D.

I do not recommend reading if you haven't watched Naruto.


Third person's POV


We see two adult figures in the big cave-like room, which is illuminated by candles laid down. We are now in one of the secret hiding bases of a certain snake.

Both of shinobi were already looking at the six-year-old girl. The man who examines her, has very pale skin, golden eyes with severed pupils, purple marks around the eyes and stabbed teeth. 

He also has pronounced cheekbones and straight waist-length black hair with some locks covering and framing his face or to his shoulders. He wears plain grey garbs with a black polo and pants underneath, a thick purple rope belt tied in a large knot behind his backand ninja sandals with bandages around his calves.

The child he was examining was currently lying on a stone tablet. The little girl had quite a unique and unusual look according to their opinion. Unusual but very pretty lilac-colored hair and a rather lovely face for girls her age.

Snake-man was sitting on a chair and studying her arms and legs. He sometimes picked them up and watched them very closely. He wasn't some genius medical shinobi, like some sannin woman with big breasts, but he was very knowledgeable on human body.

"Sssso how did you find her Kabuto?"

He asked with his regular rough snake-likely tone and looked at his teenage assistant with silver hair tied in a ponytail and rimmed circular glasses behind which you can see onyx eyes. He also had a headband on his forehead with shinobi symbol of the village of sound. He wears a dark purple shirt with a high collar, a white under-shirt, and dark purple pants with a white cloth waistband

"Yes Orochimaru-sama, I found her on my way back from the mission you ordered when it began to rain. She was lying on the ground almost unconscious and in the mud on the ground. It was quite close to our hideout in the forest, so I decided to help her."

He paused for a moment and looked at the snake-man, but the man was still looking at him and his stare was clearly saying 'And what next?'. So he decided to continue.

"She has problems with physical movement and coordination, I suspected some disorders and biological problems, but I do not take into account the possibility that she once may had an accident."

Now the person know as Orochimaru, one of the legendary sannins, who is a rogue ninja because of his illegal experiments and madness we know, has narrowed his eyebrows and glanced at Kabuto.

"Why would you do that? I'm sssupposed to waste my time on some child, why did you bring her to me at all?"

"I thought you might be interested in that Orochimaru-sama. It so happens that I couldn't heal her on the spot from an injured legs."

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