noen eubanks | attention

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"y/nnn" noen whined
you both were sitting on your bed and you had your computer in your lap and noen laying next to you , the office was on the t.v and you were typing the rest of your essay that was due tommorrow
"whattt" you said dragging your words like him
"when are you gonna be done babe"
"i'm not sure , mrs. levanti's class is hard" you replied
"ughhh" he said annoyed that i wasn't paying attention to him
*five minutes later*
"babe" "babe" "baby" "babe" noen said
"whatttt" you said looking at him
"i miss you" he said
"noen i'm right here how can you miss me"
"because you aren't talking to me or paying attention to me" he said pouting
"i'm sorryy" "this essays due tommorrow night and i wanna get it done tonight instead"
"oh my god y/n! it's due tommorrow night?" he said surprised
"uhh yes why?"
i just looked at him laughing
"fine" i said shutting my laptop and setting it on the table next to me
he smiled and set his head on my lap looking up at me
"you're such a weirdo" i said looking at him while he played with the strings on my hoodie
he just continued not even acknowledging i said something
he sat up after a second and went to grab his phone because someone was calling him
"is everything okay?" i mouthed after a minute wanting to know if anything was wrong
"yeah no it's fine"... "oh okay , just a sec" he said "hey my moms working over and she said if i didn't want to stay home alone and be bored i could stay with you if it's okay" he said
"oh yeah , totally" i replied
"bet" "she said it's fine so i'll just stay over here , .. mhm.. okay mom bye"
he sat up against the headboard and i switched positions with him so my head was on his lap
"oh how the tables have turned" he said chuckling
i laughed and shifted a little bit so i could see the t.v , noen started playing with my hair just running his fingers through it.
i started to doze off because of how relaxing it was
sorry this wasn't very long 😽✌🏻 also sorry i haven't posted in like 1 or 2 weeks i've been vv busy

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