"Okay, okay. It's not a makeout session, ladies," Fitz interrupted, and Marella wanted to hit him as they both jumped back, "Marella, your turn."

Marella reached out for the bottle, spinning, praying it would land on one very specific person.

And it did.

The open end landed on Linh Song, and Marella heard Sophie and Biana gasp. She knew it was them, because who else would?

Everything in her body went haywire as she scooted closer to Linh, sitting so their knees touched. She pressed her hands to Linh's bare knees gently, and leaned forward, hovering an inch away. Somehow Linh was the one to make the final move, holding Marella's face in hers as their lips finally touched.

It was like magic.

Linh's soft lips moved against Marella's, and Marella moved her hands from Linh's knees to her neck, one hand tangling in her black hair, the other staying firmly placed.

Fitz's annoying voice started to speak, and Linh tried to pull away but Marella held her there. Biana cut her brother off and Linh relaxed back into the kiss.

It was only a few seconds of a kiss but it felt like years when they both pulled back. Marella exhaled quite heavily, feeling a giddy smile form on her face.

"Wow," Linh whispered.

"Wow is right," Marella agreed, hesitantly going back to her spot. Now that she'd kissed Linh, she didn't want to kiss anyone else in the room. Or have Linh kiss another person.

So right before it was her turn, Linh excused herself to the bathroom, leaving the bedroom. Marella followed behind a few seconds later, knocking on the door.

She was surprised to see that most people had gone home, a couple still lingering around, but she had a feeling they were waiting on Ubers. 

Linh opened the door with a smile on her face. "I had a feeling you were gonna follow me." Marella entered the bathroom with her and was shocked when Linh immediately pressed their lips together. Marella's back hit the bathroom door and she reached a hand to lock it before reaching up a bit for Linh's face. Linh smiled into the kiss as her hands tightened ever so slightly on Marella's waist.

Marella moved her hands from Linh's face to the back of her neck as they continued. Marella wasn't sure how long they stayed in the bathroom, but it wasn't long enough when someone knocked on the door.

"Hey lovebirds! Stop making out. We ended the game and a few of us are staying and playing truth or dare," Keefe's voice came from the other side of the door. Marella separated them reluctantly, and asked,

"Who's staying?"

"Us but then El and Kaitlyn."

"Who's us?" Linh asks as she turns to the mirror, running her fingers through her hair.

"Your brother, me, Dex, Fitz and Biana, duh, and Sophie." Marella looked over at Linh.

"Wanna stay?" She nodded.

"Sure, why not? I told my parents we might not be home until tomorrow." Marella grinned, pressing a quick kiss to Linh's lips.

"We'll be out in a second!" Marella called to Keefe.

And they were. Kind of. After a few minutes more of kissing each other, they exited the bathroom and went back into the guest room. Sophie and Biana sat on the guest bed and waved the other two girls over. El and Kaitlyn sat in front of it, Kaitlyn with her head on the other girl's shoulder, smiling as El ran her fingers through her wavy hair. 

Linh and Marella hopped on the bed, Linh taking the corner, Marella sitting between her legs. Linh wrapped her arms around Marella's stomach and Marella had her head on her shoulder. Sophie sat by Linh's side and Biana ended up leaving the bed to go sit on the floor next to Dex, who was at the wall between the bed and the bathroom door.

At around 2 in the morning, it was Marella's turn, but she was over playing. "Truth or Dare all of you. I dare you to shut up and sleep."

"Tell us how you really feel," El joked. Marella looked over to the purple-haired girl on the floor, glaring with her icy eyes.

"It is getting kind of late," Tam said from his spot in the corner. However, instead of Linh accompanying him, it was Keefe, which slightly surprised Marella. Fitz sat in the opposite corner, scowling at his friend.

"I'm not tired, though," Linh said to her brother.

"How about those of you that aren't tired just be quiet? You can still talk, but like obviously Marella's tired and I am too," Sophie compromised.

"Sounds good to me," Keefe said, and Marella closed her eyes. Linh started to run her fingers through Marella's hair softly. Marella hummed at the touch, practically melting.

It usually took hours for Marella to fall asleep, but she was able to do so in minutes, despite the people talking around her, thanks to Linh's soft motions through her hair.

A/N: not me putting me and my crush in this story... and making us kiss...


Fearless - A Linhella Story [UNFINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now