"Dabi, man, you know you can let me out? I thought we were buddies? You were my right-hand man"

"The captain said you may say something like that"

"Im honestly surprised I'm not dead" I chuckle

"Captain says your bounty is too much to pass up"

I sulk. I hoped she had a soft spot but she is a pirate through and through.

A click drew my attention as Dabi unlocked the door, "You get one chance. There is a Dingy in the back of the ship. You gotta sneak through your old quarters to get there still. Just know she has taken it over so you need to be careful. If you get caught I am not doing this again"

"You are a blessing! I knew you liked me" I smile and hurry off.

I sneaked through. It was the middle of the night so most were asleep. Fortunately, I was kinda known for being silent. I made it to my old quarters slipping in. The oil was still burning. She sat on the bed her face in a map mumbling angrily.

I never thought it could be so easy to get a lass in my bed. I mentally joke.

"What the hell language is this! Who the hell gets all their maps in something other than common" she hisses at the map in her hands.

An idea pops into my head as I moved next the bed lurking behind her. She pointed at an island frusterated.

"Is this angel island? No maybe dogs burrow"

"It says Jackie's keep" I correct.

"Seriously? Thats across the sea from what I... what the hell!?" She jumped looking at me. She reached for her gun but I smile holding it for her to see. She stood on the bed so she could tower over me.

"Let's keep this simple. I read the maps around here. I had all my maps transcribed in a language only I knew. Spent years making them all just so if someone stole them they couldn't find my treasure, but I never thought they'd help me here. I'll read the maps for you but you can't turn me in"

"And if I turn you in and buy all new maps?"

I looked to the gun I had at her and she scowled.

"Fine, just know your crew, your ship, even your treasure is mine" she growled

"That includes my family jewels?" I raise an eyebrow.

She was about to speak when the joke finally hit her and her face flushed, "Keep it in your pants ya damned fish monger"

Readers POV

His hands grabbed my hips lifting me as if I was light as a feather, "Put me down" I hold his wrists to keep balanced

He chuckled sitting on the bed with me now on his lap.

"Did you not understand a word I said in that little bird brain of yours! I am the captain here"

"Yes yes, I know princess. I am just making sure you're comfortable. Wouldn't want you to be lonely"

"I don't need you here, let go" I shove at his chest

"No but we do need to discuss my end of this deal, you get everything I own but what do I get?"


"No no no, I have the gun here remember?"

"What is it that you want then" I growl out

"Co-Captain? Maybe your second? I want to be in MY quarters as well"

"Youre pressing your luck"

"This is my bed, though I'd be more than happy to share it with you"

"Youre sick"

"I am in perfect health thank you" he joked

"I need a place to sleep, somewhere safe from your lack luster crew"

"I love my crew thank you very much. They may be odd but they have their reasons. Look at Dabi for instance. I got him after he set an entire royal fleet on fire"

"You have no honor in a fight"

"Oh princess, we are pirates, our honor is in taking advantage. Now then, how about that map on your back? Is that up for a wager?"


A knock alerted is both at the door. Dabi stepped in, "I was about to say the prisoner has escaped but I never would have bet this is what I'd find" he said to no one in particular.

"That's it! Dabi you genius! We'll gamble for the pot" Hawks screeched

"What are you talking about?" I growl frusterated

"A game of poker, who ever wins gets the ship and crew" He smiled.

Dabi left as we set up at the table. Hawks took his cards shuffling them well.

"This is for ship and crew bit the gamble can continue until one party chooses to withdraw"

"I'll have you know I have luck on my side" I watch as he delt the cards. I had 4 of a kind already. This was going to be an easy win. I took one new card feeling confident.

A sick smile played on his lips, "Wanna bet any more? Or are we ready?"

"I am ready" I set my cards down, "4 of a kind" I smile, "Better luck next time"

"Sorry princess, I got a straight flush" he set his hand down showing the winning hand.

"You son of a...no. I demand a rematch!"

"Depends, what do you gotta bet?" He gathered the cards back shuffling

I stare at the table, I can't think of a thing to bet.

"I'll make you a deal, you bet your whole being, and I'll bet mine as well as ship and crew"

"This is insane"

"Being a pirate is about taking risks" he shrugged.

"Fine" this was my one chance

I cut the deck this time before he delt. I took 3 and came out with a full house 10 high. This had to beat him. I sigh as we both set down our cards.

"Full house" we announced in Sync

"I have 10 high" I smirk

"Good thing I have Queen high MY princess" he smirked

My face fell. I bet everything.

"Don't look so down Princess. You didn't stand a chance"

"You've taken everything from me"

"Yes I know, I am quite the scoundrel" he smiled

"You...bloody bastard" I stared at my cards in frustration

"Come on princess, you had a good run there" his hands rubbed at the tension in my shoulders.

"You don't get it, I want to destroy my father, surpass him and make him feel shame as the man to lay a curse upon my skin"

"I figured you hated your father, you know we've met before. He REALLY hates me. But you know what he would probably hate more?"

"What?" I look up in curiosity

"If we steal his treasure"

"I...I have never been able to read the map on my back. Even in a mirror, I can't see it"

"I can read it just fine"

"How do I know you aren't lieing"

"You've seen my maps. I am sure I can read yours"

"Fine... you have a deal. Let's steal that bastard's treasure"

Hawks X Fem reader Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें