The queen along with her pure white butler started to walk towards the judges to sit on her chair prepared for her as they were walking pass lalia and the others ash's eyes were set on lalia as he kept walking , lalia had a frown on her face and glared at him as he walked away ........

Lalia's POV

This whole place reeks of his smell I really do despise these creatures..The competition began everything was going splendidly until we all saw sebastian add chocolate in his curry judges , young lord and my lady even I was a little shocked to see that .....

'Why are you adding chocolate?' Asked ceil
'Well I simply got this idea from miss keres ' last name basis are really awkward after such a long time then it hit me
'Put that in some better use cause the young lord doesnt seem like the chocolate person '

'Seriously ?' I couldnt reply but I guess my face showed how annoyed I got from his reaction .
'Lalia gave me that advice and I trust her ' he said smiling

Lalia looked a little shocked from him saying that but her shoulder got up a little she tilted her head , making the most adorable and unsure smile . Ofcourse sebastian turned his gaze away once again which made her angry now........

****** okay so I'm going to skip to the part where Mina gets curryma so Its because I'm a lazy ass******

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****** okay so I'm going to skip to the part where Mina gets curryma so Its because I'm a lazy ass******

Mina hitting the men making a tantrum out of nothing ,others also got infected by the curry I pull back my lady and lord ceil so they wouldn't get hurt.

Once more she throws the dishes I shouldn't have come out here , I'm really not in the mood for these games .

When she tried to reach the queen . She stopped and fell on the ground. They all turn to see lalia behind her holding a pan which she apparantly hit minas head with . 'I've had enough of it ,feed the curry you made they'll cure I think '
The next thing they knew was that the people were healing when lalia and sebastian made then eat the curry bread
'Those two are an awfully amazing team 'said agni
It was officially declared that the curry pans won.....they all went home ....

That evening **

Elizabeth and ciel were having tea and there was no sign of sebastian ...
'Where did he go now ?' Said ciel
'Lia-chan can you do me a favor , could you find him and tell him ciel is calling ' lia smiled
'Ofcourse , my lady '

Lalia's POV

It's really not like him to just disappear , I searched the whole mansion ... where on earth did he go ? Maybe hes in his room ?
I knock
'Sebastian?' I say no reply I knock again
'Sebastian ? I'm coming in ' there was no reply so I entered I looked but no sign . I was about to exit until I hear noises coming from his wardrobe ...i shouldn't open it but it's a little to loud ...

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