Lost At Sea (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Sarah Sint, March 27 1934

"What does it say?" asked Bailey. Percy looked up from the book.

"A girl and boy were on this island for 37 days. The boy tried to swim for it and probably drowned." said Percy, instantly deciding to keep the godly part to himself. "the girl was out of food and was going to eat a fruit that the boy had said was poisonous. I'm guessing that was her on the beach."


"What a depressing story," said Cody, frowning.

"Yeah, well how does that help us?" asked Zack.

"Well they left us a cabin, even if it is only one star." said a voice from the door. The four looked up to see Woody and London.

"Guys I'm hungry." said Woody. "Can we go get the food from the boat?" he asked.

"Okay," said Zack taking charge, "Cody, Percy, go get the food and the other clothes, we don't know how warm or cold it's going to be. Woody, Bailey clean up the cabin. London go get some wood for a fire. I'll go fish."

Faster than anyone could react, Percy snatched the sword from Cody's hands and pointed it at Zack. "If you even try to catch any fish, crabs, or anything of the sort, I will slice you to bits." snarled Percy.

"You don't even know how to use it." said Zack, nervously.

So fast that Cody barely saw the sword moving, Percy swung the sword up and returned it back to its first position. A second later, a snake, sliced in half, fell to the floor. Cody, Bailey, Woody, and Zack jumped back in surprise. London stared in awe. "Are you sure about that?" asked Percy, before he stormed out of the room towards the beach.

"Uh, have fun, Cody." said Zack. Cody gulped and followed him.


Bailey had to say that Percy scared her. The way he had gone on a rampage the second Zack had mentioned fishing and the way he had sliced the snaked perfectly in half really made her nervous.

Zack had instead gone with London to get wood and Percy and Cody had yet to return from the boat.

Woody and Bailey had finally managed to get all of the animals into an empty trunk, which had only had two orange t-shirts in it. They had closed the trunk then together hurled it into the pond, where it sank to the bottom..

Bailey and Woody were using the t-shirts as wash cloths as they cleaned the cabin. The cabin was actually really big: there were eight bedrooms, a kitchen (which was the entry room), a gym, and a room which Bailey had assumed was a closet, since there were bamboo poles, shelves, and even cloth hangers made of wood.


Zack and London dumped the wood down in front of the cabin.

London gasped when she walked into the first room. "Wow. It looks like it's three stars now!"

Zack rolled his eyes.

Percy and Cody walked into the room each holding a huge pile of clothes and the three packages of freeze dried food.

"Welcome to the Castaway Island Tipton," said Bailey. "We have eight rooms available. Who would like to pick first?" asked Bailey.

"Ooh, me!" said London, "I want the biggest one!"

Zack rolled his eyes for the second time in a few minutes. A few minutes later each of the six had each chosen their own room, and London had put all of her clothes in the closet.

"It's actually pretty cool," said Bailey. "whoever built this must have been a great planner!"

"Or a son of Hephaestus." muttered Percy.

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