Andy Biersack

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Andy Biersack is one of the main characters in 'A Black Veil Brides FanFiction' book series.

Full Name: Andrew Dennis Biersack

Gender/Sex: Male

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Black with blonde streaks

Age: 14-15

Birthday: December 26 2006

Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 5' 50"

Nickname: Andy (Everyone)

                       Ugly (Ashley)

                       Sweetie (His mother)

                       Sweetheart (Juliet)

Friends:  Jake (Best friend)







Enemies: Ashley (Archenemy)

Family: His mom (Amy)

                His dad (Chris)

Appearance: Andy appears to have black hair and has some blonde streaks. He mostly wears a black leather jacket. For example in 'The First Day of School for BVB!' it stated that he has black hair and wore a leather jacket on, but didn't mentioned the blonde streaks. 

Personality: Andy is mostly a sweet, outgoing character. He is super sensitive and gets upset easily. For example in 'The Field Trip', Ashley was making fun of Andy and kicked his leg and Andy started crying. Most of the time, he can be really rude, but not to his friends. He is usually super mean to Ashley because Ashley is rude to him. Andy is a very kind person to everyone and he has a very big heart. Andy can't do anything without his best friends.


Andy's favorite color is black

He is very close friends with Jake

Ashley might be bullying Andy how he cheated on his test stated in, 'The First Day of School with BVB!' or he might be bullying him because of how beautiful and attractive he is stated in, 'The Field Trip'

It might be a rumor that Andy and Juliet are girlfriend and boyfriend, but in real life he is married to her

In real life, he is the singer of the band Black Veil Brides

His favorite bands are KISS and Motley Crue

He's vegan

He's an only child

In real life, he smokes but he quit smoking in 2019 but he did not do drugs

In real life, he is 29 but he's 14-15 in the stories

His moms name is Amy and his dads name is Chris

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