Episode 2

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It was a month since little Jacqueline came into Mike and Molly's life! Today was the first day of pride month, and Molly was determined to show the LGBTQIA+ world to her kids and show them that it's normal and beautiful

"I really like that you're showing inclusiveness to them from a young age even if they're babies" Victoria said giggling as she helped molly dress jaqueline and William into pride sleepers

"showing them now will teach them that every one is equal, no matter who they identify as and no matter who they love" Molly replied

"Oh ya you're a good mom..speaking of that molly can I tell ya something.." Victoria said sitting William down to play with his toys

"ya what is it Victoria" Molly said putting Jacqueline back in her crib

Victoria sat down on the beanbag chair in the nursery sighing trying to hold back crying.

Molly seeing her sister worried grabs Victoria's hand and says
"it's okay Victoria, you know I am your sister and you can tell me anything. I will be here for you and support you"

"I know you will..I'm just worried about what mom and Carl would think.." Victoria said squeezing her hand

"well know I will be right by your side through whatever you want to tell them. so what is it, what's on your mind?" Molly said with a smile

Victoria took a deep breath as Molly rubbed her back "Molly ever since I was like 15..I-well I'm bisexual" she finally blurted

"omg really, I kinda suspected, but I am so proud of you for telling me, I support you so much!" Molly said with a big smile

"really?? thank you Molly! it was nice getting it off my chest" Victoria said happily while closing on in a hug with Molly as Molly kissed her on the head.

"Victoria you're my sister who you love doesn't change anything whether it's a man or a woman love is love!" Molly said "you aren't cheating on Carl with a woman are ya?"

"No no oh molly not all bisexual women are promiscuous.." Victoria teased "I love Carl I just happen to always have had attraction to women too" Victoria said

"well I'm happy that you were able to tell me, now on your own time, you should tell everyone else" Molly said with a smile and gives Victoria another hug

"I will I wanna tell mom and Carl and everyone else can you come with me?" Victoria asked

"yes of course, first we must grab these cuties" Molly said while looking at Jacqueline and smiling big

"Oh ya!" Victoria said grabbing William

"Hey you should come to pride with me and mike and Carl!" Molly said

"oh definitely, I would love to!  Victoria said happily

"You should be proud of who You are nowthat you're out!" Molly said excited

"of course I'm gonna come!!" Victoria said also excited

Molly, Victoria, William, and Jacqueline all head downstairs where they see the rest of the family

"Hey awww love the Matching pride Jammie's" Joyce said smiling

"Molls, the matching jammies are so adorable, they are so cute I can't take it!" Mike said with a big smile

"Hey mom Carl? I just told molly and i want you all to know too!" Victoria said

"hey baby, what is it" Carl said

"I'm bi.." Victoria said

"omg really, that's awesome" Carl said

"sweetie, I felt like you were, and I'm glad you told us" Joyce said happily

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