
It finally feels as if I'm starting to enjoy myself. The buzz I get from the alcohol only helps improve my dancing skills. I can't remeber when last my hips moved like this. A lot of people have different opinions on whether alcohol is dangerous but in my opinion alcohol doesn't have to be that dangerous if you know how to control yourself and know your limits. I've had too many bad experiences to know what my limits are.

" Ally!" I hear Zac's voice yell from my right side.

I turn towards him with a confused look on my face. Why did he yell? He could have just walked over to me.

I walk towards him, like the decent human I am, and come to a stop when I reach him. Looking at his face I can make out he looks worried and... A little drunk from the size of his pupils.

" Zac, are you okay?" I question him carefully stepping forward to get a closer look.

He starts shaking his head furiously while taking in deep breaths.

" Zac-"

" He knows." Zac states interrupting me.

He knows?

Who is he and what does he know?

" Mason. He knows I'm gay."


" How? Wait what? Explain please." I ask utterly confused.

Heck even Tyler can't figure out that Zac is gay and Mason, who is a complete moron, somehow got the ability to think for once in his life.

" He confronted me again about why I don't have a girlfriend - "

" Are you sure he's not the one that swings for the other team?" I chuckle trying to lighten the mood.

I'm sure Zac is just paranoid and he's had one too many drinks from what I can smell.

I feel someone burning daggers into my head. Without even having to look I know it's Tyler. He always seems to focus his attention on me when Zac is with me. It's his special talent.

" No- Ally he knows." Zac continues on freaking out.

" If you continue acting up like this then he will for sure know you idiot!" I whisper yell.

I nod my head a little to my right to where Mason is standing with a curious look on his face. He's out of hearing range but he still has a clear view of how Zac is freaking out.

" Allison please you have got to help me. " Zac begs.

How am I supposed to help him? I've done pretty much everything I could do to hold his secret. There isn't much further I can do-

Before my thoughts can travel any further I feel Zac's arm wrap around my waist and in a matter of seconds his lips comes crashing down onto mine. My drink manages to fall out of my hand and as if on reflex I try and push Zac away from me but he doesn't budge. I hit him on the chest which makes him unlock his lips from mine.

" What the hell was that?!" I yell as soon as I get the chance to open my mouth.

Pure rage fills my veins as I look at Zac.

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