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I locked myself again and I didn't heard the main door open.. So he didn't go home? He go to mom and dad without me?

I cover myself with my pillow and yelled while crying.. I can't even understand what was happening to my everyday living! I felt like this is like a dream!

I go downstairs and go to the refrigerator to drink some water, I examine the whole place there's no shadow of my brother so I just shrugged it, When I was about to open the refrigerator I saw an small sticky notes attached on the door.

"I'm sorry if I had to go without you, Someday you will understand everything. I buy you a food check it. "


Garden,The Witness Of Love (Choi Beomgyu)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ