My Prince-Chapter 2

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Amber doesn't even know what is happening because black spots begin to cloud her vision. When she wakes up, she sees clothes scattered all over the floor, her floor. She breathes out a sigh of relief, it was just a dream, she thinks to herself as she heads down the hall. However, when she walks into the kitchen, running into the doorframe on her way, she realizes just how wrong she had been. Her mom is practically glowing saying, "Our daughter, the queen... I just can't. Oh, Amber, you must hurry and pack because they will be sending a limo here at 2:30 this afternoon." Amber stands in horror, it wasn't a dream, and there is no chance, she is fit to be queen. She hides forbidden objects and jumps in puddles when it rains. Nevertheless, the screen matched them. Why? Amber loathes being the center of attention. She sits in the back of the class, which is why she can read her forbidden books without being noticed and arrested. She never volunteers to answer questions in class or present her projects because she hates when people stare at her, probably examining her every flaw. She will make a horrendous queen, and she knows it.

Two-thirty p.m. seems to come quicker than it normally does, and sure enough, at 2:30 on the dot, a dark blue limo with shiny, gold door handles and a little, shiny gold crown on the front of the hood, arrives. Amber pulls her hair out of a ponytail, and it falls loosely just below her shoulders. She watches Prince George as he steps out of the limo. His wavy brown hair looks like an organized mess. He is wearing a crisp, black suit which makes his dark blue eyes pop. He twists and untwists his fingers attempting to relieve his nerves, strides up to the door, and knocks. Amber rushes to the door while biting her lower lip in an effort to calm down. "Hello," Amber says, her voice quavering. She hopes that George doesn't notice.

"Hello," George replies in a sophisticated voice that hints at a slight British accent. "Are you ready to go?"

"Just let me grab my bag," Amber says while she rushes to her room to pick up the small black bag where her books are hidden under her jewelry box, one of the few personal items she is allowed to own. She quickly hugs her mom and then walks toward her dad.

Before her dad lets go, he whispers in Amber's ear, "I knew you were made to shine in the spotlight. Stand tall, and know that no matter what, I love you, and you could never disappoint me." With that, he kisses her on the cheek and places her hand on Prince George's. Tears slip down her cheeks as she looks longing back at her parents standing in the gray, door frame. She lifts her hand to give her parents one last wave.

George and Amber are silent the entire car ride. Instead, Amber stares out the window, admiring the flowers that are blooming. Amber had never been in a car before, much less a limo. When they arrive at the palace, Amber's jaw drops. George smiles at her in a way that shows the slightest hint of affection. "It's beautiful!" Amber stammers, still staring out the window.

"Not half as beautiful as you," George replies. Amber's cheeks get warm, and she hopes she is hiding her blush well.

The large gold doors swing open, and shiny wood floors stretch out in front of her. Amber flings off her shoes, revealing a pair of plain, white socks. She runs at full speed and slides across the floor. She falls to the floor, giggling. She hears a scared, yet excited laugh behind her and turns around just in time to see George sliding directly toward her. Luckily, he stops himself and falls to the ground, laughing beside Amber.

"GEORGE!" A voice yells from the top of the stairs. The man standing there has brown hair and teal blue eyes. He isn't large, but he isn't skinny like his son either. He is wearing a plain, white suit and a glimmering crown. "You are a Prince, this is unexceptable. And you," he points at Amber. "Who are you?" Amber recognizes this man as the king from the reports she was forced to watch him on.

"Amber Lee Daniels," Amber replies in the most confident voice she can muster.

"Oh." The king says, his voice and face softening. "I apologize for raising my voice, but this is not how George is supposed to behave." The king shoots a death glare at George.

"Oh, don't blame him," Amber says "I encouraged him to do it. It was one of my favorite activities back home." Amber smiles brightly at the king, her face still flushed with pink.

"Well then," the king says, clearly at a loss for words, "George please escort Amber to the princess suite." George smiles and lifts Amber's bag up with ease. Amber and George both slide down the hallway, attempting to stay as quiet as possible, so the king doesn't hear.

At the end of the hall, George pushes open a white double door that has gold handles. When Amber walks in, her jaw drops. She is standing in a white room that contains a large bed that has a pale pink bed canopy. It matches the pale pink sofas next to the fuzzy, white throw rug. Above the couches, a large flat screen TV sits, and in the far left corner, a large white speaker sits.

Not waiting for George, she runs through the next set of large doors that lead into a closet. The closet is the size of a master bedroom. Hundreds of dresses hang in the closet, and drawers are filled with jewelry. There are enough shoes to fill a pantry, lining the whole left wall. She gazes in wonder, but George grabs her arm and practically drags her out of the closet.

He pulls her into another set of doors that lead into Amber's private bathroom. White shower curtains encase a shower with so many different buttons that Amber could not have counted how many different combinations you could have done. George pulls her from the room again, and Amber giggles.

George points out a little pink button that is located on the top left corner of Amber's white bedside table. "This," he says pointing to the button, "calls your maid. I have no idea which maid you have been assigned, but I assure you that it will be the best one we have." George smiles. "I must now return to my princely duties, and I shall see you later," he adds, recomposing himself. Amber gives a dazzling smile, and says goodbye as George walks from the room.

As soon as George is out the door, Amber runs at full speed and flings herself on the bed. It cradles her as though she was pushing her hand directly into memory foam. She rolls over onto her side and hits the pink button. Not because she needs anything but just because she believes she should properly introduce herself. Although she doesn't want to move from her comfortable position on the bed, she also doesn't want to be rude to her new maid. She pushes herself off her bed and looks into her full length mirror. She quickly straightens her shirt and brushes her fingers through her hair.

Just as she finishes readjusting her shirt, there is a quiet knock on the door. If she hadn't been expecting someone, Amber would have mistaken the sound for someone just walking past her room. Amber walks quickly to the door and pulls it open. A look of complete shock crosses Amber's face. Amber knows this girl.

AN: Here is chapter 2. I would like to apologize if there are any grammar mistakes I try my best to catch them.

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