The First Report

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"H-hey!" Michiru struggled as a figure covered her eyes with their hands.

"What're you doing out in this weather?" Marie backed away, a smug look plastered on her face as always. She had her hood covering her hair and her usual black boots were replaced with fuzzy laced boots.

"You scared the life out of me!" Michiru panted and gathered her thoughts, "I need to get going!"

The mink was partially relieved that Michiru hadn't called her a mongoose for the thousandth time but decided to tag along, interested in what kind of trouble the tanuki would get herself into this time.

"How is my newest product doing?" Marie's eyes glinted as she looked at Michiru's phone sticking out of her jacket pocket.

"Not broken, yet." Michiru walked faster, hoping the mink would lose interest and bother someone else, the weather was bad enough she didn't need a trickster following her around.

Michiru's arms morphed into wings, attempting to get some lift with the harsh winds. Marie snickered as the girl hopelessly flailed her arms around, "You're not escaping that easily." Michiru whined, her wings melting back into her usual arms.

"Where are we going this fine morning?" Marie wondered out loud, hoping to find potential customers at their location.

"There was a report of a beastman terrorizing people, this is one location out of the 5 reports made yesterday," Mirichu showed Marie the dot on the map, their own green dot growing closer with each step, "they're spread across the city."

Marie watched as Mirichu zoomed out on the map to show 4 other red dots across the districts, "It's all one beastman?" The mink found herself growing curious.

"I'd have to ask Shirou about the specifics, but I believe so." Mirichu continued walking, shoving the phone back into her pocket.

"What is the wolf up to now?" Marie had grown used to their antics, thinking he had found himself in the jaws of some monster by now.

Mirichu stopped in her tracks in front of a quaint restaurant, the wooden 'Closed' sign displayed in the glass door. "We're here!" Mirichu knocked and the knob on the door immediately rattled.

"Stop!" Shirou growled and chased after the bag thief. The man glanced behind and became visibly frightened by Shirou's beastman form.

"I'm sorry! She paid me good money to steal this, I'm sorry man, don't kill me!" The human fell to the ground with his hands on the back of his head, the purse skittering across the wet street.

Shirou picked it up, noticing how light it felt, empty. "Who?" The wolf asked in case he had gotten the wrong idea.

"That beastman back there!" Shirou snapped his head around, using his wolf sight to see back the way he came. The woman was long gone.

"Damn it.." Shirou muttered under his breath, "did she tell you anything?" Shirou grabbed the man by the back of his shirt, lifting him above the ground by a couple inches.

"N-no!" He flailed and kicked about in Shirou's grasp to no avail. Shirou threw him back onto the ground, shaking his hand to try and get rid of the human stench he had just acquired.

Eyeing the purse that had been "stolen", Shirou held it to his nose and inhaled. She smelled familiar, but how? He took a second to think, where had he smelled something similar to this?

Watching a plane fly overhead, it clicked. She smelled like Pinga. He held back a gnarl threatening to escape his mouth and sprinted back the way he came, following Michiru's well-known scent.

Michiru and Marie tried to settle themselves into the oddly shaped metal chairs as a shaky young beastman poured them some coffee. He stumbled around the small kitchen, knocking his head against the cabinet door after swinging it open to grab mugs.

Eventually, he somehow managed to pour the two some lukewarm coffee. The young man sat down across the table from Marie and Michiru, setting the mugs in front of them.

"So.. what exactly happened? With the beastman attack?" Michiru clinked a spoon around in her coffee, not in the mood for caffeine but not wanting to be impolite either.

"W-well I uh," nervous jitters caused him to turn into a giraffe, his neck shooting up above the two and staring down at them, "a crow beastman came into my restaurant and threatened me!"

Michiru took a tiny sip of the drink, setting it back down with a disgruntled look, "about?"

"Well I couldn't hear them very well, very s-scratchy voice you see," He turned back to human, tapping his fingers on the table, "I could hardly make it out! But they held a knife out and I had to empty out my cash register!" A very worried look crossed his face and he let out a deep sigh.

"I had no choice, so I gave them the money and they left without another word, though I did find that someone had torn up the canopy that hangs over the doorway when I closed up for the day."

Michiru nodded along to his story, trying to not interrupt with her multitude of questions. Marie spoke up first, "I noticed that they seemed more like claw marks then knife marks, yes?" The young man agreed.

Michiru was about to ask a question when a violent knocking came at the door, "Michiru?" Shirou could 'see' them sitting in there through their scents but needed to know that she was okay.

Michiru opened the door with an eager smile, and in unison, they said to each other, "purse lady." Shirou's ears perked up and he looked over at Marie as she backed her metal chair over the floor, causing a loud scraping noise.

"You again?" Shirou didn't mind Marie's company as long as she didn't try to scam him out of his bank account.

"You sound disappointed." Marie grinned and slung her hood back over her head, "I'm out, I have business elsewhere unfortunately but enjoy your wild-crow-chase." And with that, she slinked out of the door and into the downpour outside. 

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