The forest

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"Do you even know where we're going?" Remington complains while moving tree branches out of his way.

"Yeah, I'm kinda doubting you too Em..." Sebastian states taking off his coat and removing some burs from it.

Emerson doesn't answer, he instead paused to take a notebook out of his bag.

"Emerson..." Sebastian starts impatiently, sighing as the youngest boy flipped through the pages. "Now probably isn't the time to draw."

"I know." Emerson breaks his silence, finding a page filled up with writing. He then swiftly made a beeline through the dense forest. 

"Emerson come on! It's getting dark!" Remington complains as the sky starts to fade to black. The two followed their brother through the forest. Emerson stopped once more, this time in front of a large tree. It was an old tree, it's bark falling off in multiple places, and it's pines all gone to brown needles on the forest floor. 

Emerson looked up at the tree, then gripped his hand on his hat to keep it from falling off. He grabbed a branch and hoisted himself up, starting to climb.

"Emerson, what the hell!" Sebastian questioned, confused to a point where he didn't know how else to react. Remington leaned against Sebastian's shoulder, close to falling asleep from exhaustion. 

Moments later, Emerson climbed back down the tree. Starting back on his path he lead the older boys deeper into the forest. He kept his silence, clearly looking for something, though he didn't know exactly what. Earlier that day he had stumbled upon this part in the forest, and he remembered that it was truly amazing. He needed to show Sebastian and Remington, even if they were only in this state for two more days.  He needed to, even if it meant leading two sweaty men in suits through nature, and probably causing them to sleep for the majority of tomorrow.

Emerson carefully crossed a stream, keeping his hat from falling into the water. It was getting harder and harder to see, but he knew they could make it. He could tell they were tired, they had stopped talking and were most likely a little bit further back. He slowed his pace down and squinted at the directions he wrote in his notebook, almost there. He made a left into the clearing. He could hear stream, and he carefully sat beside it catching his breath. "We're here."

No response, he squinted to see if he could find them in the dark. Nothing. He got his phone out and turned on the flashlight, revealing the area. Remington and Sebastian were nowhere to be found...but he heard breathing. It was off pace with his own, but he couldn't find Sebastian or Remington. "Sebastian...Remington?" He started to get nervous, no response. The second set of breathing stopped leaving only his own. "Guys?"

He took off his hat and held it close to him, scanning the area with the flashlight from his phone. Still no sight of his brothers. "Come on...I'm getting nervous!" 


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