"I wonder how our Victorious characters are doing now," Leon mumbles. "Andre's probably living his best life with his music and stuff."

"I'm pretty sure Trina still lives with her parents," Daniella laughs. "Probably still single."

"Cat's still cute," Ari giggles, taking a sip from her glass.

"Robbie's saving himself for marriage," Matt states and everyone else nods in agreement. "Beck and Jade, I dunno, they probably broke up or something."

"Nah," Liz disagrees to Avan's surprise. "Those two are unbreakable. They're probably still together."

"They're probably in college together or maybe pregnant," he hesitantly suggests, hoping not to make things more awkward between them than they already were.

"Ooh! Definitely pregnant, yeah!" Liz sits up. "Like heavily pregnant."

"Beck's got game," Leon chides. "He got that 8-incher and good game. Dang!"

"Oh my god, I have the best idea ever!" Ariana jumps up and grabs the fluffiest throw pillow she had in her living room before tossing it to Liz. "Put it under your shirt."

Liz shamelessly lifts her top to expose her perfect stomach, drawing Avan's attention more than it should have. She stuff ls the pillow into her shirt, fluffs it up and pulls her shirt back down. Liz looked like she was pregnant with twins due to the size of the pillow.

"She's gonna pop any day now," Matt laughs. "Can I touch your baby bump?"

"Am I supposed to answer that in character?" Liz chuckles.



"I just jumped back a couple years," Avan lowly chuckles. It was his subtle way of saying he missed her, well he missed all of them but mostly Liz.

"Quick, quick! Pictures!" Daniella pulls them both by the hand and let them stand before the Christmas tree. "Now pose. Pose like a domestic couple in college."

Avan awkwardly lays his hand on the protruding part of Liz's shirt, almost like she was actually pregnant. They took a couple pictures— one where they were both looking at the camera and caressing her faux baby bump, one with Avan on his knees and kissing her shirt and a few more poses. It made Avan think of what kind of a future they would have had if they didn't break up. All the possibilities made his mind spin.

"It's lil' baby Bade in there," Liz pats the pillow on her belly.

He had to remind himself that it was all just pretend. It was for fictional characters that they used to play and not actually the both of them.

"Lil' baby Bade. That sounds cute," he smiles at her.

They lock eyes for a quick minute, blue to brown. Avan was in a trance and he felt himself plunging back into the pools of beauty in her face. He never wanted to stop looking into her eyes but alas, Liz pulls her gaze away.

The rest of the night went by quite smoothly except for the fact that Avan kept stealing glances from Liz. He didn't know if she noticed or if anyone else noticed but he couldn't care less.

Soon, it was around 3:00 in the morning and everyone was dropping out like flies. Daniella sprawled on one couch and Leon on the other one. Ariana was snuggled into one side of Matt on the beanbag while his other side had Liz. Avan leaned against the wall, trying to make the envy go away at the sight of Liz snuggled so closely to another guy.

He was supposed to be over her. He told himself he was finished with Liz. But here he was looking like a total moron, staring at a barely awake woman in another man's arms.

A Pocketful of ElavanМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя