Part 1

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Baby Steps!

Most of the time, we are called to leap before we look. We are told to trust our intuition even if it doesn't seem to make sense in the moment. We are asked to trust that the universe has our best interests in mind.

For logical minded people like me, these are stupendously difficult things to do and it has taken me a very long time to come to this place where I do feel comfortable leaping before I look and trusting my intuition and the universe. For most of my life, I have waited. Waited to know how things would turn out, how things would be received, how things would change, but I know now that I cannot do that. I miss out on too many opportunities when I wait.

And I know what prompts me to wait. It's my ego. That mean-girl voice in my head that tells me taking risks isn't worth the outcome. Better to know how someone will react to the words before telling them I love them because rejection sucks. Better not to ask the question unless I know the answer will be yes because no is so painful. Yes, I lived like this for decades of my life. Always afraid. Always disappointed. Several years ago, however, I chose to beat that mean-girl into submission and lock her up for the most part. I found it was so much better to tell everyone I loved that I loved them, no matter what their reaction was, because loving people is a part of who I am. I found out that even if the answer was no, asking the question meant I was brave enough to put myself forward and I found that most of the time, the answer is yes.

Don't wait for your intuition to make sense. It's an esoteric gift from the universe and when do those ever make sense except in hindsight--after you've leaped? Instead, take baby steps. Do one thing, each day, that brings you closer to living your best and most desired life. One small step toward the biggest things you want for yourself and others. Soon, those small steps will build up into great big leaps and you'll wonder why you waited so long to take the baby steps in the first place.

What will your baby step be today?

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