To Catch A Deathstalker Part One (chapter seventeen)

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We see Benson get chased by flamingos then we hear two explosions

Wolf: I guess that's our cue

We leave and headed into Deathstalker territory

Wolf: Kipo, about these scorpions. It only takes one sting to knock you out cold. Then they drag you back to their lair and prepare you for dinner. Nothing is immune to their venom

Me: not even a mega

We enter Deathstalker territory

Kipo: and with that, I'm gonna try and be calm. Somehow. I'm gonna look at my hands. My calm, calm hands. I am all serious

I noticed her right arm had fur on it

Me: well, your arm says otherwise

Kipo gasps at her arm

Kipo: herbs in, herbs out

The fur disapears

Kipo: ok, I got this, I just gotta be cool...

Wolf stops us

Wolf: inhale for four counts

Wolf inhales

Wolf: exhale for eight

Wolf exhales

Wolf: that's how I keep my heart rate down

We continue walking

Kipo whispers: in for four

Kipo inhales

Kipo whispers: out for eight

She exhales

Kipo whispers: keep your cool... now you're great

Wolf: everything ok?

Kipo chuckles

Kipo: oh, yeah. I'm rhyme timing. In for four, out for eight, keep your cool, now you're... almost but not really, hardly at all, great

We slide down the bit of road that's sticking up

Kipo: this is kinda intense, huh?

Suddenly we stop walking to see a Deathstalker. It was missing a tail, I look at Stalky then realized that was the Deathstalkers tail

We breathe in deeply then we exhale. The Deathstalker leaves screeching. We walk backwards then I hear Kipo scream causing the Deathstalker to look at us

Wolf: run!

Kipo and I follow Wolf running

Kipo: I just have to say it's taking everything I've got not to mute out right now!

Me: same

As her jaguar ears come out feathers form on my arms

Kipo: herbs in, herbs out!

Kipo's ears disappear while I get rid of my feathered arms

Wolf hits a building with Stalky and a ladder falls down, we climb it then pull the ladder back up

Kipo: uh...

Wolf: careful, there's a loose rung

Kipo and I go up to Wolf. I accidentally hit the rung that's loose

Kipo: whoa! How did you know that?

Wolf pulls some wood off of a window

Wolf: because this used to be my home. Wipe your feet before you come in

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