Welcome to Perim [Part 2]

Começar do início

"Don't worry, I'll talk to him. After all I'm his wife. And besides he'll have to deal with it very soon because believe me, he always gets overreacted all the time." Takinom rolled her eyes.

"Oh, tell me about it. And I suppose he really needs to learn how to control his temper, huh?" said Kamangareth, rolling her eyes, too.

"A-huh. So much for marrying the Hot- Temper Lord of the Underworld. Okay, anyways, Kaman, I guess I'll be seeing you at Saturday?" said Takinom, as she begins to leave the restaurant.

"Sure thing, Taki. At Saturday." Kamangareth grins and winks at her.

With that said, Takinom begin to leave the restaurant and will hopefully returning her home castle very soon.

Meanwhile, Back to Underworld Castle

Agitos is cooking spaghetti and lasagna along with mac n cheese. Khybon is helping out while Ulmar and H'earring are playing peek a boo with baby Bloodstone. But unfortunately, things didn't turn out well for them. The two have to find a way to make her stop crying. So Ulmar handed her the doll. Unfortunately, she throws it away and start having more tantrum. Agitos and Khybon hears what's going on the living room. Even Topaz was in his room still doing his school work while hearing her baby sister crying. He hopefully could wish to cheer her but he can't because he's still doing his homework after his school. So luckily, Ulmar and H'earring are there for Topaz's backup.

"(Mom, please hurry back. I'm pretty sure my little sister will be okay while Ulmar and H'earring are taking care of her)." Topaz thought in his mind.

And so right on time, Takinom finally arrives and flew right in front of the castle and rings the bell. As she did, Agitos, Khybon, Ulmar, H'earring, and Topaz hears it and was happy that she's back.

Khybon calls the two out in the living room. "Hey, you two! One of you have to go check and see who's arrive! Hopefully it better be Chaor or Takinom or maybe both!!" said Khybon.

"H'earring, you go check to see who's there." said Ulmar, turns to him.


"Because I say so. Now go. I'll take care of her."

"But-But-Bu..." H'earring trying to find the words but got interrupted by Khybon angrily shout loud from the kitchen.


H'earring frowns and sigh before he gets up and walks the hallway towards the front door. Takinom, on the other hand waited impatiently to think no one hears her knocking the door. Until the door opens, H'earring turn his head up to see who rang the door and then his eyes widen when he sees Takinom's finally here.

"Oh!! Takinom, you've finally arrived!! How was your trip?" H'earring grins happily to see her.

"It was very fine. I try to get to the commissary to find the popcorn chicken but also got you guys eggrolls for dinner." said Takinom feeling exhausted after all her list.

"Ooh!!! My favorite!! Thank you Takinom!" said H'earring before he turns to guys from the hallways. "Hey guys, Takinom has finally arrive!!" yelled H'earring.

The three hears the news and was happy to see Takinom. "Oh!! Hi there, Takinom!! Glad to see you've arrived!!" said Khybon as he grins.

Perim Season 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora