Where am I ?

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"Lucky charm" Ladybug shouted, then suddenly a pair of gloves appeared in thin air, she grabbed it and said " what am I gonna do with this ?" and in the same time she looked everywhere so she could use the pair of gloves. Chat Noir was about to do a cataclysm where the akuma is supposed to be but the villain was so fast and dodged the attacked and in the same time painted a symbol on the ground. Ladybug was gonna help Chat Noir but she stepped on the symbol the villain painted and a random black hole appeared behind her. "No my lady" as Chat Noir ran towards Ladybug the villain tried to stop him but failed. Ladybug was about to be sucked in by the portal then Chat noir tried to save her, but it was too late the portal had disappear from his sight and Ladybug was now looking at a dark space. Tears started to fall from Chat Noir's eyes, "I couldn't save my lady" as he was crying while the villain said "oh look at the poor kitty, he lost his little precious toy" he laughed with a smirk.

As Chat Noir tried to defeat the villain the villain was just transformed back into his normal self.

News reporters started to have a rampage when they found out the villain teleported Ladybug somewhere. They started to ask questions like:

"Do you know where is Ladybug?"

"Have you had an idea where she could be?"

"If Ladybug is gonna be gone forever are you gonna retire or act solo?" 

These questions broke his heart, but he knew he needed to act. When he de- transformed he immediately went to master Fu's place and reported the incident. "How did this happen ?" Master  Fu said, " she got teleported by an villain to somewhere" he replied and almost every day, Chat Noir will go around Paris to look for her 


"Hmm, Marinette is late again" said Alya

But it turns out she has been absent. Her parents said that ever since that Ladybug disappear she disappeared too. Her classmates were so concerned they don't participate in class so well that there grades started to fall like a crashing plane.

Marinette's location 

"Ow, my head hurts" as she bumped into a wall in a alley. She also de-transformed and now she is back at being Marinette. "Where are we" said a tiny red creature, " I don't know either Tikki " said Marinette. After that she hid Tikki in her purse so no one can see her and went out of the alley. As she was walking she saw some people with different skin colors like purple and many more crazy stuff. While passing by she saw a bunch of media going to a specific area and heard a BOOM! She suddenly ran towards it and saw a villain stealing money, she was about to transform but something caught her attention a group of heroes went to the scene and fought the villain. In her thoughts she said "I never gave them a miraculous and plus they could use their powers multiple times and also I don't seem to see a akuma on the villain where am I exactly". So she decided to go near the fighting scene and observe more closely, but as she was trying to do that a boy with green hair suddenly bumped her. "Oh sorry are you okay?" said the boy "yeah am fine" I replied.  I was about to go help the heroes when the boy noticed I was gonna do it and stopped me " You cant fight its against the law. You can only fight villains when you have a license like this." He showed me how it looked like. " Are you a hero already?" I asked "not really I am just training for it, but I do have the permission to do it anyway" he said with a smile.

"Oh do you have a quirk?" he said politely, but in my thoughts I said to myself "what's a quirk?". As he was staring at me he told me that the fight is over and he needs to go home and ask me if I want to let him walk with him at my home, but I replied "first where am I?" he looked confused but said you in Japan silly. "I'm at Japan!" I shouted, everyone looked at me and I became nervous and ashamed. The boy asked me "why did you screamed?" I replied that I live in Paris and I have no where to stay. So he offered me to sleep in his house and he will sleep in his dorm and I replied okay. But deep inside me what will happen to Paris without me.

Back where Adrien is 

"My lady where are you?" 

To be continued in the next chapter :)


I did 809 words! am so proud of myself

And don't miss the next chapter of WHERE AM I?

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