chapter 5: the movie

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Marinette and Adrian were talking all the time while the trailers were playing. Marinette laughed at something he said. I just rolled my eyes.

Just then the lights went down. The movie was about to begin. I kept my eyes on Marinette and Adrian.

Marinette was into the movie. She wasn't even looking at Adrian. Adrian also was watching the movie. However, there were a few times where he'd look over to see Marinette.

Marinette face was changing during the movie. Just like old times. Nothing changed.


"What movie do you want to watch?" I asked.

"Hmmmm... how about Mulan?" Marinette asked.

"We've watched that one 5 times already." I said annoyed.

"But its my favorite." She said.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine." I said.

We were about 5 years old back then. Marinette and me always had fun together. We always did everything together. It was almost like having a sister around.

"No! Not the dad!" I heard Marinette cry out.

This always happens when she watches a movie. She gets too into it and acts as if she's in the movie herself.

I sighed. Maybe its something she'll grow out of one day.

End flashback

I was wrong. She's still the same. But at least Adrian will see her like this. Maybe he won't like this side of her.

However, now that I see him I think I'm wrong again. He seems to enjoy watching her change faces. He even looks like he's about to laugh. What's going on?

"Ah!" Ladybug said in the movie.

"No!" Chat Noir yelled.

He made a huge black ball and destroyed everything around him. He then rushed over to Ladybug.

"My lady, are you ok?" He asked.

It then started raining. "C-chat?" Ladybug asked.

"Yes. Its me." Chat said.

Ladybug then smiled. "I'm sorry, chat. But its up to you now." She said.

"No." He said.

"You have to. You're our only hope. Don't worry Chat, I will always be with you." She said, drifting off.

"No!" Chat yelled.

I heard some sniffles and looked down. Marinette was crying. Not unusual of her. That girl cries over little things. Even when we were kids. She always had a big heart. Even bigger then Rose's.

I rolled my eyes. "Hey, you ok?" I heard.

I looked down and saw Adrian looking worried at Marinette. She nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Its just that this movie is really great." I rolled my eyes.

"Here." Adrian said, hugging her. "Dont worry, I won't tell anyone."

Anger came through my body. My blood boiled. Marinette stole my best friend. I hated it. When does this movie end?

All throughout the movie they held each other like that. Even at the end they held on. They only let go when the lights started come back on.

I stormed out of there as quickly as I could. I wanted this day to end.

Jean came around the corner and pulled up. I swung open the car down and plopped down in the seat. I slammed the door shut.

"Chloe..." Jean started to say. But i cut him off.

"Drive!" I ordered him.

If I couldn't have Adrian, then no one could have him. And if that means some extra force is needed then so be it.

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