2. Strange Man

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"What do you suppose he's looking at?" I asked my Penelope. She shrugged. "Wow, very helpful"

Norman glanced around at the other kids on the stage, to
see if they are seeing whatever he is seeing. As he turns around nervously-

"Norman! Are you listening to me, boy?" Mrs. Henscher asked.
Norman looked over at her and nods timidly from behind his scroll.

"Sorry, Mrs Henscher" He apologizes.

"So am I. Now, unless there's any
other issues, let us resume...They put her on trial and hanged her!" Mrs. Henscher continued. The tree boy turns excitedly to Norman.

"Ooh! This is my moment!" He said. I noticed Alvin walk forward and throw the hangman's noose over Normans neck. My eyes widened. What on earth is he doing?!?

The tree boy shuffles towards Salma and swings his branch not realising Alvin has slung the hangman’s noose around Norman’s neck.

Norman is yanked off balance and staggers into the tree boy, who keels over, rigid arms unable to stop his fall. He lands on top of Salma, her kicking legs sticking out from
under him as though Dorothy's house had just landed on stage. The kids break into uncontrollable laughter.

"Boom, baby!" Alvin said in victory

"Sorry!" The tree boy apologizes to Salma.

"Alvin did that on purpose!" I said as I stood up. Mrs. Henscher looked towards me.

"Is that true?" She asked Alvin.

"Of course not" He lied.

"Oh, don't start! You put the noose around Normans neck, which first of all is incredibly dangerous! And second you celebrated after Norman fell into that poor kid!" I informed as I walked closer to the stage.

"My names Neil!" The boy said. I suppressed a laugh at how dorky this kid was.

"Get off me, Neil!" Salma shouted. I got on the stage and helped Neil and Salma stand back up. The teacher flung her script into the air, her face beet red.

"Oh, you useless bunch of-" The school bell rung, cutting off whatever cruel word she was about to call us...she didn't even do anything about the bullying...this school is horrible.

I walked out of the auditorium as kids hotfoot it out of the building as quickly as possible. Neil ran up to me which startled my sister and I.

"Hi! Thanks for standing up for Norman and I back there!" Neil said with a smile.

"Um, anytime!" I said with a soft smile. "Are you and Norman friends?"

"Sort of" He answered. I looked at him, confused, but decided not to question.

"What's he like?" I asked, becoming curious about the young, mysterious, boy who possibly had the same powers as me.

"He doesn't talk a lot...other than that I don't know much about him. There's a rumour that he can see and talk to ghosts! Isn't it cool?" Neil asked. I nodded slowly. I looked over at Norman who was standing at his locker, pitifully.

Ghostie~ (Norman Babcock x reader: Paranorman Fanfic) *COMPLETED*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat