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The silence consumes you as it begins to creep up your spine.
you tell yourself your fine
as if it will help ease the pain
somehow, someway you believe it will help you feel better
But does it really?
you sit in silence as you try to keep the thoughts in your head down
Numb as they scream at you from above.
constantly telling you your nothing
tears begin to fill your eyes yet do not cry. you stand cold, isolated, lost, completely fucking empty.
your struggling to keep it together as you inhale sharply
your chest rises as you struggle to keep your breathing still.
trapped in a never ending battle you refuse to open your eyes afraid of the tears that threaten to fall
it stops.
every thought comes crashing down like a tidle wave crashing against the sandy ocean floor
so this is it?
you have come to accept that you will never be ok
the pain in your chest beings to subside as you brace urself for next wave.

Midnight ThoughtsWhere stories live. Discover now