What Can I Do With You - Chapter 2

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When I woke up the next day, I started to remember something important.  "MOM!" I yelled out realizing that I didn't check on her from last night.  I had to go check on her!  I then heard a voice "YEAH." She yelled to me.  That was such a relief, she was alright.  "COME HERE!" She yelled, "I WANT TO TALK!"  Was this about last night?  As I went downstairs she asked to see The World.  I showed it to her and she asked "What can it do?"  I said "From what I've learned it has amazing strength, speed, precision.  It can also punch."  As I was saying that The World tapped on my shoulder.  "What?" I asked it he then floated over to the dummy and started a punch barrage.  "MUDA MUDA MUDA!" I was shouting that every punch, and I liked it.

As soon as I was done I bent my back at a ridiculous angle and yelled "WRYYYYYYYYYYYYY!"  "What the actual heck was that?" My mom asked.  "I really don't know." I just blurted out. "It was almost on pure instinct.  I then realized it was 5 in the morning.  "I'm going back to sleep," I said yawning.  As I fell into a deep slumber, I appeared in a white void.  There were 9 people, but I could only see one's face.  He had blue hair, big muscles, and was very tall.  "Hello my name is Jonathan Joestar, and I'm your great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather."  Then another person stepped forward.  "My name is also Jonathan Joestar, but people call me Johnny.  We're the same person, but from 2 different universes, so we're both your great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather."

I was in utter shock I had never heard of these men, but they're related to me.  "Wait so you're telling me, Izuku Midoriya, that you're my great-great-great-great-great-great grandfathers!"  "Yeah," Johnny said.  "Who are the rest of the people?" I asked. "Also where am I?"  "You are in your mind space," Jonathan said enthusiastically. "The rest of the people are my descendants, and one of them is actually part me and part of someone else."  "Who?" I'm starting to begin to believe them.  "We can't tell you, but we can tell you one thing if you ever need to talk to us just think of this place in your mind.  Also, we're always with you so we can talk to you anytime, anywhere." Johnny said.  "It's time to wake up, so we're gonna send you off." 

Suddenly, I jolted awake!  "Was that a dream?"  I questioned.  "Nope." I could hear Johnny.  "Why?  Why are you here?"  "For you!  I mean you are our descendant."  "Okay then.  I'm going to get ready for school now.  Bye!"  I then got up and got ready for school.  I then wanted to name The World as something, as a thing, not a name.  I thought up the term stand.  As mom drove me to school she asked about my birthday gifts, and if I liked them.  I absolutely loved them I say to her.  Little did she know, I had a feeling I would need them at school today, so I put them in my bag.  

As I arrived at school I saw Bakugou waiting for me.  He then went up to me and asked for forgiveness!  I didn't know what to say!  "I got cocky with my quirk, and thought I was better than others, I'm sorry."  "I forgive you."  He was shocked.  He thought I hated him.  "So what's that quirk of yours?" He asked.  I responded with. "I'm not so sure if it's a quirk, so I call it a stand, and its name is The World."  "Oh neat!" He looked excited to hear about it.  "You gotta promise to keep this part about it a secret," I whispered to him.  "Okay." He told me. "I promise."  As I confided in him. "It can stop time," I told him.  His jaw dropped.  He was amazed!  We then went to classes for the day.

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