Coming Home

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AN: Thank you guys so much for following me and Dallas on this journey. I felt like this was a good moment to end. I hope you have liked this story. enjoy the video ❤️

Dally's POV:

I'm finally going home today. Yeah, it's fucking humiliating to be seen in a hospital, but at this point I don't give a shit. I'm just glad to be getting out of here.

"Dallas? Your friends are here." A nurse says.

I walk out of the room to be met with the gang. They're even more excited about me leaving the hospital than they are when I get out of the cooler. I let them swarm around me.  Sodapop reaches out to hug me, but I back up instinctively.

"What—" I start.

"I told them. It's okay." He assured me.

I give him a long hug while the rest of the gang shuffled around uncomfortably.

"Let's get outta here." I finally say.

"I'm glad you're alright Dallas." Darry says.

"Thanks, man," I mumble, "so what have I missed?"

Everyone fills me in on what's happened the last three days. I've missed them.

"Since Evie and I split there have been less girls around, but Sylvia called. She's pretty pissed at you for some reason." Steve says.

"Shit," I say, "What did you tell her?"

"We said you were at the cooler again. She seemed to buy it." Johnny tells me.

"Wait. You're still with her?" Soda says, his eyes wide.

"Well...I haven't seen her in like two weeks, but technically—"


"I'll tell her today."

"No you won't. Tell her tomorrow, you need to get some rest." Darry interjects.

"No wonder she's mad." Two-Bit adds.

We get in Darry's truck and Sodapop takes my hand in his.

"So you guys aren't...upset at me?" I ask cautiously.

"About what?" Ponyboy replies.

"You know, me and Soda?"

"Of course not. We're just glad you're alright." Johnny says.

"But if you hurt him—" Ponyboy adds

"I know." I interrupt.

Soda leans his head on my shoulder. The rest of the gang continues conversation until we reach the house. We all get out and walk inside. Darry has me lay down on the couch and I comply. Everyone hangs around the living room while I relax. Sodapop sits on the floor next to me.

"I missed you guys." I sigh and fall asleep. I don't usually fall asleep when other people are around if I can avoid it, but I feel truly safe right now.

Sodapop kisses my forehead. I can hear Two-Bit and Steve laughing, Ponyboy and Johnny talking, and Darry talking to Sodapop as I start to dose off. I feel Sodapop's warm fingers close around my hand. These people are my family.

I think I'm going to be okay.

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