Link down below she mouth before laughing

Did you just try to promote your merch Elton asked her

What pft no why would I do that? she asked

I just seen you point and then through the camera I seen you mouth something he said

Damn spirts are already getting to you Sky said

Don't say that, bro Corey said making her laugh

Look ya'll I moved on to a brace and no fucking cast she said

You literally paid someone to cut it off Elton said

SH shut the fuck up she said the guys laughed "Eh I don't see my doctor till we get back and plus I'd be getting it off so" she shrugged

Yeah but- never mind Corbin said not wanting to argue with her she smiled

Anyway we'll be exploring with Exploring with Josh and he's gonna be coming with us and the Conjuring house Elton said

We can just have him sleep there Corey said

Yeah we just have him report to us in the morning Elton said

Have him just live stream it Sky said they all shared laughs

Yeah I'm gonna go to the hotel you just chill with that Brandon said making a shoo motion

We'll just be on FaceTime at the hotel just watching him Elton said

We're like what's goin onn she dragged holding her phone up looking at it "And he's just like being dragged" Sky acted like she was being dragged they all laughed

Okay let's go meet Josh Elton said

Sky Sky Sky what are you doin Jake dragged in the phone

About to explore she said

Ooooo he said she chuckled

Is that Jakey pooh Corey ask batting his lashes she laughed

No it's Fred she said

Fred? O M G Bethany he said she laughed

Yes it's Jake dildo she said

Dil- What Corbin asked making her laugh again

Kidding shit head she said

Okay now your just being mean Brandon said she kicked a rock at him "oW" he backed away

Stop bullying people babe Jake said

That is way to impossible for her she can't even go ten minutes without being mean Colby yelled

Fuck off she said into the phone

See he yelled

Colby when I get home I'll sh- oop gotta go love you she said seeing Josh walk to them she hung up before he had the chance to say anything as Josh went to shake her hand in the way guy are supposed to do for girl she grabbed his hand bro hugging him shocking him at first

Skylar where is your brace Elton asked looking at her arm her sleeve was rolled up she hid her arm

I don-

Right here Brandon said holding it up

Oh I'm am going to murder you she said gritting through her teeth when she said murder

Yes I know he said

Put it on Elton said she glared at him snatching the brace from Brandon

Better sleep with one I open Gross she said slipping the brace on she looked seeing Josh scared she smiled at him

Just don't make her mad Corey whispered Elton nodded he nodded watching her put her brace on

Pinche pendejos Sky mumbled

What was that Elton asked

Uncle Elton's getting on my nerves she sang fixing her brace then looking at him with a glare

Aw he awed she rolled her eyes and they started walking

Damn that is huge Sky said

700 feet Elton said

700 feet? Damn could it fit your mom on it she asked looking back at him the guys all laughed

Is his mom tall as fuck or something Corey asked beside her laughing

Not feet high not feet high she said and did the width

We are a serious paranormal investigator team that makes mom joked Elton said as everyone died of laughter Sky had her hand on Corey's shoulder trying to keep herself from falling from laughing so hard

My uncle was a pirate he sold illegal DVD's Sky said laughing everyone laughed "You get it? You get it?"

Can we climb on those Brandon asked next thing you know Brandon Corbin and Sky were spiders

Wait Corbin can you jump to this Elton asked Sky and Corbin looked at each other Sky got to the one thing before jumping on top of the trash can

Hey Brandon said high fiving her Corbin jumped next they walked around and all stopped Sky climbed up a pipe looking thing

Dude she's just climbing everything like a monkey Corey said laughing "OH MY GOD dude what" she was getting higher and higher

Yo we're never gonna be allowed to any place like this ever again Elton said as Corbin and Brandon followed "Hey where'd Sky go she's just gone?"

Dude ghost already go us Sky said coming back she and Brandon had blood on there face

Oh my god they all said the two smiled

It's real Sky said pointing at her eyebrow

What'd you do Elton asked

I barely hit something over there she said pointing to where she was climbing

Same Brandon said the two laughed

Oh no get down Elton said Sky laughed as they all looked worried

You might need stitches Josh said

No I can tell it's not that bad Sky said she touched her eyebrow "You got duck tape?' the guys laughed at her

It's on your eye lid Elton said to her

It's on my eyelid? I can't tell where it is she said with a small laugh she looked at Brandon

You might need butterfly stitches he said pointing at her eyebrow

Does it hurt Corey asked

No they said

Can you two come down here and clean your face off Elton said

Yo can we take a picture together like this Sky asked him totally ignoring Elton Brandon laughed nodding "Corbino" she gave him her phone and the two posed holding up a peace sign there arms around each others shoulder

There he said handing the phone back to her she smiled

Thank Corbina she said patting his head "Is this a thing" she pulled at the chain

No nothing is a thing for you anymore can you find a staircase with a handicap rail Elton said Sky shrugged as they looked for a way down she put her foot up "What are you doing"

Getting down duh she said getting over the fence and chains she climbed down and let go her feet hitting the ground

Oh my god Corey said looking at her eyebrow

Hey I broke how many bone I'm good Corey she said

Yeah I know you all broke them while you were with Elton he said Josh looked at Elton he laughed

She's a dangerous person it's her fault he said

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