Chapter Four

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"You've got this," Leanne reassured herself as she adjusted her yellow and black Hufflepuff tie. She combed her fringe, pulled her long, curly brown hair into a messy top knot and pulled some bits down at the side to frame her face. She tucked her wand into the inner pocket of her robes, grabbed her books, and walked towards the mirror.
"I'm Leanne, it's nice to meet you," whispered Leanne, starring at her reflection, wondering how many times she will have to repeat that sentence throughout the day. She tilted her head to the side and sighed. Anxiety was kicking in. Her heart was pounding through her chest and her head was racing with possible scenarios that might unfold during her first day. She shook her head, took a deep breath in, dropped her shoulders, and headed out of the portrait.
"Have a fantastic first day, Leanne!" said Phyllida Spore, excitedly. "Promise you'll visit later and tell us how your first day went." Leanne smiled at the lady in the portrait, and nodded, unable to get her words together. She looked around Dumbledore's office and realised all of the previous Headmasters in their portraits were smiling at her. She adjusted her bag on her shoulder, and headed out the door.

The Great Hall was unrecognisable that morning. Whenever Leanne had been inside, it had been empty and an incredibly boring room in the castle. However, this morning, it was the most entertaining room. The tables were packed with groups of students, catching up on their summer antics and comparing timetables. Some of the Professors were sat at the High Table enjoying their breakfast and deep in conversation. A teacher she didn't recognise sat far left of the High Table, talking with Minerva.
"That must be the new Defence Against The Dark Arts Teacher," thought Leanne. She paused as she entered further into the Great Hall, suddenly realising she had no one to sit with.

"Sorry, Remus," said Minerva McGonagall, interrupting Professor Lupin mid sentence. "I must go and help the new third year transfer, she looks terribly lost over there."
Professor McGonagall stood quickly, whilst Professor Lupin turned to see the girl she was talking about. The third year Hufflepuff was close to the entrance of the Great Hall looking awkward and uncomfortable, just as Minerva had stated. He couldn't help feel sorry for her. Remus Lupin then remembered that he had the third years as his first period that morning.
"I'll keep an eye on her in class," he thought to himself. "I'll make sure she's comfortable."

"Maybe I'll skip breakfast," thought Leanne to herself, growing rapidly more uncomfortable as she noticed the friendship groups around the Great Hall.
"Oh, Miss Spring," Leanne heard from behind her, just as she had turned on her heel to leave.
"Professor?" smiled Leanne at the familiar face of one of her guardians, Minerva McGonagall.
"As it's your first day today," said Professor McGonagall, "I'll find you someone from my house to help show you around the castle and escort you to your lessons. Yes - uh - Potter, can I borrow you for a moment please?"
A skinny, scruffy haired Gryffindor boy sat at one of the tables turned his head, spun his body off the bench and quickly stood. He wore round glasses which seemed to slightly magnify his bright green eyes. Another familiar face to Leanne.
"Harry!" exclaimed Leanne, like greeting an old friend. Harry Potter looked taken aback. He frowned at the friendly stranger in front of him.
"How do you know my name?" asked Harry, politely. Leanne froze. Only a matter of months ago had the pair of them been face to face, but Harry would of had no idea it was Leanne in animagus form. Harry had no idea that the girl in front of him actually saved his life.
Professor McGonagall started laughing.
"Potter, it surprises me that, after all this time, you still don't realise how famous you are," she said, gently patting Harry on the shoulder. "Everyone in the wizarding world knows who you are, even Leanne here and she's a transfer from Beauxbatons Academy Of Magic."
Harry's frown softened and a soft, slightly sheepish smile took its place.
"It's nice to meet you, Leanne," he said. Leanne smiled back at him, internally annoyed with herself for making such a mistake so early on in her first day.
"Now, Harry, I'm trusting you, Weasley and Granger to escort Leanne to Defence Against The Dark Arts with you," instructed Professor McGonagall. "Stick with her for the day, please, and end of final period, I'll get a Hufflepuff to take Leanne back to the Hufflepuff Common Room."
Harry nodded, as a tall and ginger boy appeared to Harrys right. Ron Weasley. To Harry's left, a short, bushy haired brunette stood smiling at Leanne. Hermione Granger. Leanne recognised them both straight away.
"Now, off you go!" ordered McGonagall. Leanne thought it best to not mention the fact she hadn't eaten breakfast, and decided not to miss the opportunity for possible friends.
As Leanne walked away with Harry, Ron and Hermione, she looked back over her shoulder to see a very proud looking Minerva smiling back at her.

By the time Hermione Granger had relayed every fact from 'Hogwarts: A History' to the new student, they were almost late to first period. Harry and Ron had barely got a word in edgeways as they walked the long route to Classroom 3C.
The tables inside the classroom had all been pushed to the back of the room. The students were all gathered in a group in the centre of the class, quietly muttering to their friends. In front of the students was a large, brown, old looking wardrobe with mirrored doors.
As Leanne dumped her bag with the others, she heard an almighty bang. She jumped, her eyes darting to the wardrobe at the front of the class. The sound had come from the rickety wardrobe.
BANG! The sound echoed around the room.
Leanne watched as the wardrobe wobbled side to side with the impact of whatever was inside trying to get out.
"Intriguing, isn't it?" came a voice from the classroom entrance, as the heavy wardrobe continued to move. "Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside?"
Leanne watched as a tall, shabby looking man with patched clothes walked around the students towards the front of the class.
"That's a Boggart that is," said one of the students.
"Very good," replied Professor Lupin.
Leanne sighed. Severus had already taught her about Boggarts a few years ago. She hadn't been prepared to be facing her fear of snakes on her official first day of school. She reached down, back into her bag, and pulled out her copy of The Tale Of Beedle The Bard. She knew everything about Boggarts, there was no need for her to pay attention to the class at this point.
"Now, can anyone tell me what a Boggart looks like?" continued Professor Lupin with his class.
"No one knows," said Hermione Granger, confidently. "Boggarts are shape shifters. They take the shape of whatever a certain person fears the most. That's what makes them -"
"So terrifying, yes" he interjected. "Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a Boggart. Let's practice it now. Without wands, please! After me, Riddikulus!"
"Riddikulus!" replied only half the class.
"Very good. Little louder, very clear. Listen, Riddikulus!"
"RIDDIKULUS!" shouted the group of third years.
"Riddikulus," joined in Leanne, her head down as she continued reading her book.
Remus Lupins eyes clocked on to the short, dark haired Hufflepuff at the back of the class. He instantly recognised her as the transfer that Minerva had mentioned during breakfast, despite her head being down reading a book.
"Brilliant," he thought to himself, "my first lesson and I've already lost the interest of one student."
"Hello?" he said. "Do you think maybe you could pay attention to class instead of reading, Miss?"
"Leanne Spring, Sir," she replied, feeling her cheeks flushing as all the students turned to look at her. The sudden noise of students whispering made her uncomfortable.
"Who is that?"
"I've never seen her before."
"A Hufflepuff? She wasn't in our dorm last night?"
Leanne refused to look at any of the students, and kept her eyes locked to the Professor. However, Professor Lupins face which was soft and kind when he had first addressed her, was now harsh and frowning at her.

It was as though time had gone backwards from the moment the new student made eye contact with him. Remus froze in place. He felt his eyes narrow as he stared at her. The new student felt familiar. Too familiar.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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