Chapter One: 30th August 1991

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"Albus, I want to start school," spoke a usually well-mannered 11 year old girl. She sat cross legged, book open in front of her, in the same spot she always sat in Albus Dumbledore's office.
Albus turned to face her. He could see her hands slightly trembling. Her jaw was clenched to show her assertive side but her big brown eyes were soft and already watering. Despite hearing this for the thousandth time this summer, it never made the conversation any easier. It always ended with one outcome; Leanne being upset and Albus feeling guilty. He did not reply.
"I want to start properly in September," she continued. "I'm the only 11 year old witch not starting school. It isn't fair. I don't want to spend another 2 years hidden away."
"You know I am not letting you start to protect you, Leanne," Albus replied kindly.
"As I keep asking, from what?"
"And as I keep telling you, I will tell you in time. I've not worked this hard to keep you safe to let harm come your way now".
Leanne knew, once again, she hadn't won. Not that over the years she had won many disagreements with Albus, but she always gave it her best shot. She really thought those sherbet lemons she made Severus buy earlier that day would of done the trick. Albus's face had lit up when she had handed them to him. It made her positive that she would get answers this time.
As she grabbed her book and stood up, Leanne heard Albus sigh. She refused to look at him, she wanted him to know that she was annoyed. But also, she didn't want him to see her cry. Without another word, she left his office, wiping her tears away as she closed the door behind her. She decided to make the most of these last couple of days of freedom to explore the castle before all the students came back from their summer holidays.

"You wished to see me, Headmaster?" said Severus Snape as he entered Albus Dumbledores office. Severus could see instantly that Dumbledore was frustrated.
"Leanne's upset again," said Dumbledore. "She is upset that she isn't starting school. I can't keep having this same conversation with her."
"Is it wise to keep her up here another 2 years?" spoke Snape. "Do you not think, by now, if someone was after her, we would of heard something? I would of heard something?"
"I can't take any risks, Severus. It's not difficult to work out, even for a Death Eater, that Leanne should be starting at Hogwarts this year. I won't let anything happen to her. She means too much to me. I know you feel the same way about her, Severus."
"You're right, Headmaster."
"You know she will come to you. You must make her see reason. She listens to you, Severus. She trusts you more than she trusts me."
"Yes, Headmaster."
Severus knew, at some point during the next couple of days, he was going to have to be cruel to be kind towards Leanne. And, unknowingly to Leanne, she was the only person he truly hated upsetting.

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