Nikabrik the other dwarf that had joined our group "So you like „em?"

Trumpkin answered again " Well enough."

Me and Lucy shared another glance, laughed slightly and went back to humming our song.


After about an hour we finally reached the howls. As we entered Centaurs stand on either side of the entrance and raise their swords. Me and Caspian stop and let the Pevensie's go first. Lucy smiles at a child centaur who is holding his sword too low. As we all enter the How we see Narnians making weapons.

Caspian starts to speak up " It may not be what you are used to, but it is defensible."

Susan interrupted their conversation with" Peter, you may want to see this."

We all walk over carrying torches, and start looking at the carvings on the walls.

The carvings were of the pevensies as kings and queens in their "golden age" of course. I said to myself mainly in my head.

Susan started talking "it's us."

Lucy looks to Caspian and asks " What is this place?"

" You don‟t know?" Caspian questions as he picks up a torch and leads us down a dark tunnel.

Once we've reached the end, he lights a fire and it spreads around the room, revealing carvings of Narnians and Aslan... and a weird cracked Stone Table, which I can only assume is the one Aslan was killed on.

I notice Lucy starts staring at the carving of Aslan and slowly walks forward. She turns back, and starts saying " He must know what he‟s doing." she said questing herself at the same time

Peter responded to her " I think it‟s up to us now."

After that we all start staring at them, the carving of Aslan. After a few minutes i start to leave the room, not knowing i had a follower, i head to one of the look out points at the top of the howls.

I sit down just soaking in the air looking at the surrounding.The Pevensies really move fast, they don't allow you to take anything in. I looked down at myself noticing I'm still wearing this offaly dreadful dress, yes it was beautiful but not fit for traveling like we do or any type of fighting. I need to change, but I'm just going to soak this in a little longer, for the sun is setting and there is nothing like a Narnia sunset.

A few more moments passed when I noticed someone was behind me starting to walk towards me and sit down joining me. It was Peter.

"Beautiful isn't. There's no sunset like this back in Finchley, or well anywhere but here" he said to me as he sat down next to me

Taking a deep breath enjoying the air I responded " oh absolutely, there is nothing like a Narnia sunset." we sat in silence for a few seconds until i countied " when we get back, and all the nonsense going on is over, and of course i'm out of school, im making it my goal to travel the world and find the best sunset in the world, to see which one even comes close to this or beats it, which i highly doubt any will it is of course Narnia the most beautiful place there is.'' I said, placing my hands in my lap taking another nice long breath.

"Well no y/n don't be ridiculous, there's not a single view better than this" peter said, but loudly sighing

"Are you alright peter?" I asked him.

"y/n..." he said, he sounded like he was going to continue so i took a moment before replying.

"Yes pete, what is it"

"I can't help, but tell you this... you know ever since they first met you at the boarding school, when me and Ed went to susans room and found you there, seeing as you are her roommate...idk y/n... i've just always kinda....i guess had a thing for you..." peter said to me, not looking in my face for fear of embarrassment i believe. I didn't say anything for a few moments partly because i didn't know what to say and partly because i was taken by surprise that he actually said something to me about it.

" You know what please forget. I said that, forget I said anything at all, '' he said as he started to get it.

I grabbed his arm and stopped him from getting up, as I was looking at the ground.

"Peter, sit for a second please. I'm not just going to forget what happened, i'm not just going to dismiss your feelings like that love, but i do have to ask that you please in return don't dismiss and disrespect mine.'' I said to him, finally meeting his eye.

He shook his head as though he was ready for me to go on with the heart wrenching, cold,evil words to fall from my mouth.

"Just because I do not feel the same way in that sense Peter, I do care for you, and I do have a great amount of love for you. None of my siblings are at this school with me and it's like you guys took me in, make me the fifth Pevensie child. I greatly appreciate that, you will never understand how much I do.'' I say to him as I start to grab his hand with both of mine grasping them and shaking them whilst slightly patting his with one of mine.

"Hmm" he said looking down at our hands.

I let go as I started to speak "please look at me pete." our eyes once again connecting "the last the thing i'd ever want to do is hurt you, and i know this does and for that i am truly sorry, but there is no way for me to just up and change all my feelings in one second, and if there was i would not take it. Im so sorry Peter, i know those words mean nothing, to just have been torn apart by the one you want, but it is for the best. We would have never worked dear boy, I do find you slightly intarlitable you know." i say kinda laughing towards the end hopefully lighting the mood a little.

He looked at me with a small smile and a slight laugh. " you know I've never been turned down before, but I am glad it was by you. I don't think anyone else could have just torn me apart so nicely, but yet harsh" he said meeting my eyes.

He grabbed my hands as I did his earlier. "It's quite alright y/n he said as he grabbed my shoulder going in for a side hug "At least i'll get to keep your beautiful eyes in my life,at least i still get a chance to protect you." he said as we finished up our hug.

"Alright peter i better go find some different clothes, if i have to run around the woods in a dress one more time i might actually die" i say laughing as i walk way

I hear him laughing slightly in the background. It was dark out as we finished talking .

After I found myself some clothes I made my way back into the room with the stone table. I was assuming it was like headquarters for us, which I was right because when I entered the room there everyone was sitting waiting for something ,waiting for me.

"There you are y/n, we can now start discussing our plans." Susan stated as she started walking from the side of the room to the middle where the rest of the group was.

HEYY GUYS!!!! i hope you liked this chapter... it has to be my favorite one yet lol. i've spent the most time writting this one!!! anyways guys pleas tell me what you think about it!!

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