Mostly Edgar headcanons

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1. He taught Luca how to paint.
2. He has bipolar disorder.
3. His British accent gets much heavier when he's pissed off. It makes him hard to take seriously.
4. He often stays up late painting so he's pretty sleep deprived.
5. He get embarrassed or flustered easily, especially by physical affection.
6. He's kind of awkward when people are crying- like- you could be sobbing your eyes out and he'll just be there like 🧍🏻" do you need a tissue or..?-".
7. He just becomes a huge softy when he's tired.
8. He's lowkey a pessimist. Like- if somebody walks past a guy and they get punched but he's there to see, he'll walk past the same guy and punch himself before the guy could even move.
9. He's absolutely a perfectionist.
10. Athleticism is not his forte.
11. His revenge for Luca blowing a kazoo in his ear to wake him up is painting a mustache on his face.
12. He's actually really good at decoding.
13. He's definitely 💅 (y'know) and probably wouldn't even think of being in a relationship with a female.
14. He uses he/they pronouns.
15. CEO #2 of respecting women.

Edluca (Edgar Valden x Luca Balsa) headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now