Chapter 1: Closing Session

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Erika POV

"Team A..."

I mumbled under my breath, it sounded good.

"Collin, we'll be team A and you guys will be team B."

I looked over my friend with a wicked smile and he returned it soon after. We had the same idea, two against eight. We will win.

The warriors were giving us an uncomfortable look but none went against it.

"Alpha, I think we should stick with the initial plan."

I spoke too fast. Michael, the head tracker of this mission was against my plan. The warriors seemed to agree with him as they nodded awkwardly. I turned towards Collin and smiled.

"Do whatever you want but we're going, good luck."

I said, I didn't bother to see their expression that we shifted and bolted towards our destination. The Preston pack.

Their pack was always loud and their alpha extravagant. It wasn't bothering us until we had multiple rogue attacks the last month. So the alpha, my dad, sent us for this mission.

"Find out any trace of treason" I quote.

We would have never suspected them if the rogues didn't have advanced devices that were used mostly by the Preston pack.

We already knew they were guilty but we needed solid proof.

Anyway, the plan was to find evidence and come back home but what was the point? So I might have sightly changed the plan.

-We find the evidence

-We capture the big shots

-We take over their pack

Nice wasn't it. I didn't want to come back here, let's finish this in one go. Well, to spice things up, we divided our group into two teams, and the first one to accomplish the mission will win. Easy, right.

I bet on us, we'll win!

We arrived first. We were at the border. We waited over an hour and saw how they were patrolling.

It was effective. Every twenty minutes a guard would come and inspect the border thoroughly. However, there was one *ss of a warrior who skipped duty. It was pitch black outside and the serious guard finished his tour.

"Erika, it's now."

We entered their territory, I gave one last glance at Collin and we both knew that we won.


"Erika!! Collin!! What's the meaning of this."

It was morning and we didn't sleep. Last night's mission was a success so I couldn't comprehend my angry looking dad. He threw all the papers on his desk as if they were ordinary sheets.


He sat down violently on his chair, making a sour sound ready to bring out the blood from my our ears as if it wasn't enough, he started shouting.

"Alpha Van Forest, for you."

Da*n this old man had too much energy for his age.

"Alpha, we completed the mission, we found the evidence and took over their pack!"

Collin took my hand as we saw my dad get back up on his feet and fury in his forest eyes.

"That's the problem, Erika! Have you read rigorously the contract they had with the rogues!"

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