cant think of a tittle (miles and peter) (miles x ganke)

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Suggested by Rain_Summers_023

3rd person p.o.v

A story were the Peter parker from miles dimension had lived, and helped miles with his powers, and miles had become a helpful and original sidekick.

Miles p.o.v

"Good job kid." Peter praises me after a pretty tough fight. Before I have the chance to reply I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see my roommate from school looking really excited with a notebook in hos hand, he's so cute. "H-hey can I have an autograph?"
"U-uh, s-sure." He hands me the notebook with an excitedly shaking hand. I sign the first page with my best hand writing witch looks like the 'hand writing' you use when you tag a building. I hand back the notebook and he looks even more hyped when he looks on the page. "Thanks." he walks off trying to hide his excited expression. Why am I so attracted to my own roommate? Or, should I say best friend? "Come on kid, lets go back to my place." Peter unintentionally snaps me back into reality.

When we get to Peter's place I still can't stop thinking about ganke. "Hey, kiddo, you ok?" Peter asks pretty concerned.
"Y-yeah, I was juat wondering, uh, what do you think of boy's dating other boys?" Peter pauses befor answering. "I don't know, people should be allowed to do what they want as long as it's no hurting anyone."
"S-so your not against it?"
"No, not at all, why do ask?"
"Well there's this... Boy and, I like him, like really like him, and I was wondering if you could give me some dating advice?" peter looks a bit taken aback but he still answers.
"Well, do you know him at all?"
"Yeah, he's my best friend."
"Is he into guys?"
"Yeah, were both bi."
"Does he know your trans?"
"Does he have a crush, or is he dating someone?"
"Well I say go for it, there isn't much to lose."

"Ganke, I uh, I like you."  He looks at me with a shooked expression before a smile spreads across his face. "Really? Cuz I like you to."
"Really?" He nods. I pull him into a hug almost crushing him with mt super strength. Peter, your advise never fails

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