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Hey guys. Sorry for never updating this and leaving it abandoned a few years ago in 2020, I just sort of lost motivation and then slowly slipped away from the fandom until a few days ago. Now that they're making a new Spider Verse movie I got back into it. I just wanna say some things

A. I was younger and less experienced when these were written and I cringe re reading them. 

B. I'm sorry for some of the chapters coming off as kinda creepy. I just didn't see it in that way back then.

C. I'm not completely abandoning this. I may make new chapters every once in a while. 

D. I won't be deleting the old chapters because I know some people did like them, and despite the fact I cringe when reading some.

E. Hi Alana.

F. Don't get your expectations too high for future chapters. Yes. I've gotten better but I'm still not great.

Thank you for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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