9. Ville De Stoechas

Start from the beginning

I shriek, grabbing her hand and running off into the clearing. I look behind me and see Lugia and Ho-Oh duking it out more. Lugia uses a Hydro Pump but misses horribly, while Ho-Oh opened his beak and spewed out a Sacred Fire. It passes by Lugia, but a few flames catch on and burn him a little bit. Both of them used Ancient Power simultaneously, floating snail imprinted rocks from the ground and launching them at each other, both of them taking equal damage. It's like they're fucking twins! They make almost the same moves every time! I wouldn't be surprised if they just knocked each other out. Kaitlynn is also in the same awe, but then she turns to me. She gives me a straight poker face and asks, "Is that your Lugia?" I nod in reply. "That's my Ho-Oh," She says back. "Uhm, well... does this count as a Gym battle?" I crack a joke. She keeps her same face, not moving a muscle. "Yeesh, tough crowd," I shrug.

Kaitlynn tries to storm off. "I got places to be! I don't have time for this!" I put my hand on her shoulder; it's like she's giving off the same Aura I have. I think Ryley might be rubbing off on me. "Wait-! Are you after Camilia?!" I plead, trying to get her to stop. It succeeded, stopping her right in her tracks and cocking her head towards me. "Y-You know her?" she raises a brow towards me. "Yeah! I'm trying to stop her from destroying possibly the world!" She looks down for a second and then sighs, covering her face and sitting down on a freshly cut (from Lugia) stump.

"She was one of my childhood friends... I knew her dearly, and then she just turned into this," Kaitlynn says, trying to hold back some tears. "I wasn't with her at the time because I was on vacation at Unova, then I came back to everyone's houses in shambles and her name blaring on some loudspeakers and news vans..." Looks like she went through the same things I did, minus the shock from thinking your parents are dead. "I'm sorry, Kaitlynn... The same thing happened to me, but we can get back at her if you-" She stands up quickly and holds me by my collar. "I don't want revenge on her!" She exclaims, right in my face. Looks like I chose the wrong words. "I just want Camilia back..." She slowly lets go of me. "We don't have to get revenge then, but we HAVE to stop her! Before this same fate happens to thousands of other people!" I say in the same angry tone. Kaitlynn covers her face again to think. "*sniffle* Y-Yeah, you're right, I'm sorry" She puts both of her hands on my shoulders. "I'll come with you then; you seem to know where she's at" She wipes her face and smiles at me. "Uhm... I didn't catch your name?" She tilts her head at me. I do a mini facepalm. "(L/n), (Y/n) (L/n)," she giggles at me. "Well, nice to meet you (Y/n)" She puts her hand out, I shake it.

As soon as we shake, both of the flying legendaries hit the ground, both dazed and unconscious; we both laugh and recall them. My laughing is cut short by realizing how far the nearest Poke center is, losing our only flying Pokemon. It takes a second, but Kaitlynn realized how boned she is, too.

"I don't usually walk routes, so... which way is the next... town?" She makes an awkward smile towards me. "It's this way, I think, but it's a good hour of walking if we want to get there," She makes a loud groan of annoyance. "Hey, at least I'll get my 10,000 steps in today!" I joke as I start walking down the path. Kaitlynn soon follows behind as we both try to ask each other questions. I explained what happened up till now.

"Hold on, go back to the underground Pokemon battle; those are real?!" She pipes up. "Yep! And, Woo boy, did it suck!" I chuckle. "That's where I met Markus- Oooh! I forgot to tell you about Markus!" I dial up his number again since it's easy if he'd explain himself to her.

"(Y/n)? Where are you?"

"My uh, 'mode of transportation' fainted, so I'm walking over. Oh! And I got someone else who knows Camilia."

"Hey~! I heard you're that cute Boy Markus~!"

I take the phone back from her.

"You did not just try to get me a pickup, did you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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