4. Before

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(aight, fuck it I'm going to use first person because I'm too tired typing "you" over and over again)

Ryley's POV: I couldn't sleep because I was with (Y/n), I don't know what's wrong with me, a Pokemon liking a human. Was it his smell? Was it because of the way he treated me? Was it because of his... Body? Call it moving too fast, I say it was just love at first sight. At first, I felt really bad for him, the man lost his whole family for Arceus's sake! What more can he lose? I want to give him something he needs, and it's something I've needed for a long time. If you'd ask me, he just needs time. Yeah! that's the only thing, time, -I'll just tell him later.

Your POV: Last night, I- had a loss for words really. I shook off the feeling because she was probably just cold, or it was instinct or something, right?

I wake up with Ryley's soft, furry head leaning on my neck, surprisingly smelling like blueberries. The Sun was cutting through the cheap blinds as I raise myself upward and waltz to the bathroom to wash my face. As I brushed my teeth, Ryley got up and started getting her stuff as I finished. There was a deafening silence between us for some reason, "Hey, if there is something wrong you can tell me" "Oh, no it's nothing, just didn't get any sleep, might as well save the energy for the trip ahead right?" "Yeah" I knew that wasn't the truth. As we went downstairs we saw a group of trainers waiting for something. I saw Ryley notice something because she was looking down. Then I heard one of them pipe up "Hey" I turned my head to one of them. The man was boney as hell, but he was still bigger than me somehow. He stared at me for a solid 3 seconds before squinting at Ryley. "Hey blue dog, what happened to that crazy hoe? I guess she wasn't so Loco for you?" he started dying of laughter with some of his Jabronies while Ryley was doing a low growl. She just stood there, taking it. Now, if I were me I just would have stormed out of there with her, but apparently, I wasn't me. My arms started moving by itself and soon I did a stride towards the dude. "Ey, Dickhead" his glance quickly turned to me as I threw a Haymaker, square in his face. I don't care that my wrist felt like breaking, all I thought about at that moment was Ryley for some reason. My head was out of line. As he fell cold to the floor, another went at me and before I even noticed, my elbow almost took out his teeth. One more put me in a headlock. I almost threw him against the wall as I pulled him over. There were two more left but they backed off that fast. I noticed the attendant was on the phone and I went from 0 to 30 out the door, holding Ryley's hand as I threw the key on the counter. We went pretty far before I slowed down. I noticed I was still holding her hand.

Ryley's POV: I was about to cry in front of (Y/n). It was Trevor. He was one of the trainers that beat me when... She owned me. He humiliated me that fight and so did Camilia. She didn't want me anymore, so she called me weak and abandoned me and a bunch of others. She didn't come back till now, with new, and better pokemon. I've run into Trevor a few times, and I just ignored him, because nobody cared. But now that (Y/n) was here, I just froze, I really was powerless. But at that moment, I realized, someone cared for me. I stood there in pure shock as I watched (Y/n) kick the living shit out of them. F-For me.

Your POV: Ryley was dazed as we kept walking. "Ryley, are you okay?" silence. Just silence. I knew I fucked up, why am I always the fuck up? Maybe if I wasn't, everyone would still be here, alive. I guess we aren't staying in town for much longer. We started walking down the path to lavender town when Ryley pushed me into a nearby bush, sat on top of me and hushed me. "Someone's aura is close" she whispered.

"WHERE DID THAT CUNT RUN OFF TOO" I see that bloke and his posse run near us. After a while she let me talk. "Hey, Ryley, who was that guy?" "Trevor. We had some... bad history. I don't want to talk about it not now". She said as she gazed at me with a lewd look. "What do you mean? They already lef-" She cut me off with a kiss, and it wasn't like some nip, she penetrated my mouth with her tongue and went all in there. I was enjoying it but Ryley seemed so overwhelmed. She finally let go, but then went right back down to squeeze the organs out of my body. "I lOOVVVE YOU" She squealed. She lets go of me one more time to see my face but then starts shaking. She must have thought I didn't like her back because I could hear the sniffles. "Oh shit (Y/n), I'm sorry!" I did some quick thinking and went for another kiss, her (almost) tears turned into moans as she took control. I could hear Ryley's own heartbeat from here as she slowly goes down to my shorts. "(Y/n), I need to repay you back for what you did for me". Now if a Blowjob didn't already feel godly, Ryley doing it makes it a billion times better. She starts licking around my tip, slowly at first but then starts doing little sucks, popping it in and out. I tilt my head back in pleasure, she takes this as a sign and takes the whole thing into her mouth. I want you to imagine the loudest moan a man could make, because that was what I was doing. My chest was pounding as I looked at Ryley's face, her beautiful, beautiful face. She starts going up and down slowly, her tongue going all around, her saliva making my member going almost going numb. She was dying for my reaction. "H-Hey I'm almost ther-re" I'm not exactly good at foreplay, so it kinda made me embarrassed. She giggles and gets back up to my face for another kiss. I kinda flinched because she was just sucking my dick but it still tasted like mint, so I went with it. Ryley climbs back down and starts teasing me with her hot, wet crotch. She slowly goes in as we trade moans. Ryley was about a quarter-half my size, but that made it even tighter. She had to sit down for a minute before moving up and down. She laid down on my chest and started cowgirling me with the biggest grin. Oddly enough her spike flattened out with some magic (Points to you if you know where I got that from). The feeling of her body heat and soft fur reminded me that I should be glad to be alive, everyone has fuck ups sometimes in life, right? While distracted by this thought, I didn't even realize I blew a load in her. The blood circulation went back into my dick as I moaned loudly. "YES OH ARCEUS YES" I was way too tired to think of anything else other than Ryley, I couldn't even see straight. "(Y/n)? Hey! (Y/n)!" Once again, her voice faded off like last time and I dozed off.

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