Chapter 1- Memory

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(A/N- first story, sorry if it's not good, Characters do NOT belong to me)


Heros and Villains were something I had avoided forever because of my quirk, my quirk was one I never wanted to use, of course I had control over it, I just reframed from using it, It was too dangerous, and much too powerful, if any villain found out about it, I'd be in trouble, and if heroes found out about it, I'd be pestered and bugged about becoming a hero, but I didn't want to be a hero, and I didn't want to be a villain. I just wanted to live my life like a normal person, but of course, fate says otherwise.

I slipped on a plane white blouse and navy blue skinny jeans. "Just great.." I mumbled, I was tired and exhausted, I had been spending all night going through files my friend, Yuna, had sent me, she was kind of like my partner, I worked as a detective for the police department, though I never really talked to anyone else besides Yuna and my boss.

I put my lace up black combat boots on and grabbed my police badge and put it over my head, wearing it like a necklace, pulling on a brown coat.

I was walking around the office when I heard A man's voice, one I didn't recognize, though my boss, or the man I take orders from, Detective Tsukauchi, did. "Toshinori!" Tsukauchi called, "hey Tsukauchi, how are you?" The man, who I guessed was Toshinori, asked, "I'm good, just catching up on the case with AFO" Tsukauchi said, I tapped Tsukauchi's shoulder and handed him a file I went through, "I have some theories, we can talk about it when your done" I said, I could feel the man, Toshinori, staring down at me, and my e/c orbs met with his piercing blue ones, "oh no, don't worry we can talk about it right now, if you don't mind my friend joining us" Tsukauchi said, I nodded, "I don't mind" I said, He held out his hand, "hello, my name is Toshinori Yagi" Toshinori said, I shook his hand, "hello, Mr.Yagi, I'm Y/N, L/N, it's nice to meet you" I said, Tsukauchi lead us to his office, and I sat across from him, Toshinori sat beside him, "start when you're ready" Tsukauchi said, "after looking through this file, I noticed, Toga, we've never heard of her until recently, when she attacked U.A, with the L.O.V, It seems its members are growing, but, I've heard of her from somewhere else" I said, Tsukauchi and Toshinori looked intrigued by what I said, "what do you mean?" Tsukauchi asked, "Himiko, Toga, she was the eldest daughter of the Toga family, due to her quirk, known as transform, she has shown her disturbing obsession with blood, she is a suspect for multiple murders involving blood drainage" I said, at the last minute, I cursed myself for giving information I wasn't supposed to, I had hacked locked files to get information on her, but not from the government's system. Tsukauchi looked at Toshinori, as if he had just proved something, "see? I told you she was good" Tsukauchi said, a smile tugged at his lips, "I'm sorry, I don't follow" I said, thankful they didn't think anything wrong about the information I gathered, "I gave you that file barely 30 minutes ago, and you already know so much" Tsukauchi said, "yes, but I usually solve the cases I'm assigned earlier than I should" I said, "exactly" Tsukauchi said, turning to Toshinori, who finally spoke after a while, "we'd like your assistant in a certain case", my heart fluttered when he looked at me so intensely, as if he could see my soul, "what kind of case?" I asked, "a villain is on the loose, we want to know what you can figure out, with this photo" Toshinori said, sliding a thin piece of paper across the desk, it showed a man with white hair covering his face, wearing a black suit, walking in an alleyway, with a child beside him, my mind immediately started moving, going over every little detail of the photo.

"This picture is obviously old, the date is faded in the corner, so I can't read it properly, but it's maybe 15 years old" I said, Toshinori seemed slightly shocked I figured that out in less than a minute or two, "what else?" Toshinori asked, "the child, looks like the villain from the USJ attack, messy light blue hair, pale skin, shigaraki, that was his name" I said, "hes wearing gloves in this photo, the material must be special, seeing as his quirk allows everything and everyone he touches to decay, and since he was a kid at the time, he probably didn't know how to control it" I continued, "Amazing.." Toshinori muttered, I felt blush dust my cheeks, snap out of it I thought to myself, "I'm impressed you remembered so much" Tsukauchi said, "yeah, well, memory is just as important as power" I said, I paused for a moment, and looked at the clock, we had been talking for almost on hour, "time goes by quickly, I'm on break now, we can keep talking after 30 mins" I said, getting up, Tsukauchi nodded, and I left myself out.

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