chapter twenty-two

Start from the beginning

"why's that?"

"i just did. i even thought jamie was either gonna be a lawyer or a cop."

"and he turned out to be both." i laugh.

"hey, how's rafael's grandmother? i was gonna ask, but rafael said he had to run."

"abulita? as far as rafael and his mother have told me, i believe she's doing well. she's still in the hospital."

"she took a nasty spill, huh?"

i nodded. "she refuses to move into an elevated apartment. she insists on taking the stairs each day which isn't good for her at all."

"why? because she's old? i'm old and i can still walk up the stairs."

"pop, i'm not calling her old nor you. her hips just aren't the same as they used to be. and you, pop, don't need to walk up five flights of stairs everyday."

"and if i had to?"

"you would do it."


"but, the family would probably move you into somewhere more convenient too."

he chuckled as my phone started to ring. "i suppose you're right about that one."

"reagan." i answered the call.

"hey partner, we need you to come in as soon as you can." i heard sonny's voice.

"i'm basically out the door as we speak. we got a case?"

"yeah. the daughters of the  novelist, walter briggs, believe he's being raped by his own wife."

"and why do they think that?"

"why do you sound like danny right now?" he said before continuing to tell me. "they claimed that the house keeper told them that the wife makes him take erectile dysfunction pills and makes him have sex every day, even though he has a heart condition. they claim it's rape because he's nearly eighty and doesn't have the mental capacity to consent."

"well, they aren't wrong carisi." i tell him. "any other witnesses?"

"not as of yet."

"alright, i'm on my way."

i hung up the phone as i got my coat and bag on.

"alright you two, stay out of trouble." i say as my grandfather kisses my forehead and I press a kiss to my son's chubby cheek.

"we'll do our best." my grandfather teased as i headed out the door.


i watched the sonny interview the housekeeper behind the glass with nick, liv, elliot, and amanda.

the housekeeper basically told sonny everything the daughters said before leaving.

"well, the housekeeper confirms." sonny said.

"okay, so mr. walter as in walter briggs, the writer?" amanda asks.

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