My life and all its moments

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So u wondering why the title My life and all it's moment's , it's because im only 15 years old but alot has happened to me in a short time. Let's start with my grandmother dieing that broke my heart , then my parents getting a divorce , me going into special education for 7 years , then the bullying I been bullyed since second grade .Im going to tell you how I am as you grow up you start to change in a lot of things your body , your mind set , your feelings in this age you are just starting to find who you are thats what my teacher says to me in English .I was that one quite girl that sits in the back never asks questions talks to no one shy , nerd, that is scared to stand up for her self because she doesn't want to get in trouble. I been locked ina bathroom, ate lunch by myself had no friends , grades never been good, most teachers didn't like me , no one ever asked if I was okay, cried her self to sleep every night didn't tell my parents what was wrong with me . They say its normal as a teen to be that way but for me its my life im not one of the so called popular kids in school to me what is popularity? I don't think no one really know the meaning to that word.Im 15 years old freshman in high school yeah I know I should be in the 10th grade but I got left back in the 2nd grade but im in a school where if your not popular they say your no one . When I was 13 years old I was fat and ugly and shy and quite so when I was 14 years old I realized I wanted to change so I lost weight , I stopped using glasses, smiled more sitted in the front started talking to people and made friends I even have a best friend , I used to have the dora hair style I let my hair grow , got new clothes and shoes and became one of the loudest girls in school .you get tired of the same people bullying u every day so I standed up to her . When I got to high school my sister told me this is the time you see who are your real friends and who are not  I really didn't understand at the moment but now I see what she was talking about theres some friends that are going to stab you in the back when you least expect it . You know don't always tell your business to just anyone because in high school no one is really your friend because you come in to this word by your self and u leave the same way.

Trust is something that takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair these days I only trust me , myself and I.One thing you learn in high school is that life is not all smiles and rose petals its hard you will have drama, cry, get backstabed but its just life .Now im one of the most known girls in school im nice and pretty and im very cool with people but I do have my moments were I get in to drama and others were I cry and break down but I always manage to handle it. Now im the type of person that holds everything inside because I dont want no one to see me show emotions but I break down sometimes. Have you every wanted something or someone you can't have but then the person you dont like or talk to trys to talk to the person you like knowing you like that's something we call fake these days. God  gave us one face but some people out here have wo of then theres always a good and bad to someone, thats why im saying dont trust a lot of people  because stop and think of something gor a minute at the end of the day the only one who would be there for you is you no one else .out here people say thet got your back put when things get real they back up , like in high school when you talk shit you have to back it up with facts not only talk .Im only 15 years old but at this age you start to see life as it is  thsts all I got to say for now but I will add more later on

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