"Nice job now everyone thinks your going to kill them all." Pinefall whispered. I gave him a nod and nudged him.

"They'll find that I mean it if they try anything and plus, it just makes this a whole lot easier." I whispered back. He gave me a mrrow of laughter. We arrived at the entrance to Whitestars den and the warrior flicked his tail at us to stay where we are. I sat down, along with the rest of my group. 'Our group was becoming more of a clan than just a few cats.' i thought to myself a little surprised.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN? YOU LET A BUNCH OF CATS INTO OUR CAMP!!" We heard Whitestar yowl at the warrior.

"But sir, they said they have something important to tell you." the warrior croaked back.

"Show them in then. And let no one inside til I say so." Whitestar replied with just a hint of hostility.

The warrior came out of the curtian of ferns and said "Go in." He sat down outside of the den just a few feet away.

We all went inside. Whitestar was sitting in an upright position staring at us with huge navy blue eyes. His pelt rippled as he flexed and unflexed his musles.

"What do you want?" he asked. I sat down and explained the whole story. As I did, everyone put in what they had done before and after I had come to get them. Whitestar relaxed more and more as I continued.

"So that's why you all smell different. Your scents are mixing and forming a clan scent." Whitestar said after I had finished.

"I was thinking the same thing. But it is what Starclan wants done. We are to form a new clan that consists of elementals. I am river, Pinefall is shadows, Blackheart and Tigerfang are thunder, rain, and clouds, and I think dewkit is another shadow one." I said pointing to each in turn.

"Then what's Riversong doing here?" he asked.

"I am here as a translator for Blackheart. Her voice has been stolen from her and this is how she communicates. She writes different symbols on this..." she pointed towards the slab of rock she had brought with her.

"And I read it. Thats why I'm here." Riversong replied before I could.

"Ok. So why are you here?" Whitestar asked.

"To get the wind elemental of course." Dewkit said with her tail. I translated it to Whitestar. Blackheart watched Dewkits tail suriously. Her eyes filled with both excitedment and longing as she looked to Riversong questioningly. The look she had on her face was what gave me the idea. She needed-- no wanted--  another way of speaking.

"Blackheart do you want Dewkit to teach you her way of speaking?" I asked. Blackheart nodded, excitedly.

"Its ok with me." Dewkit said her taill writing it in the air with such speed I could barely read it.

"How does she know what we're saying when she's deaf." Pinefall asked. Dewkit wrote in the air. I watched carefully before answering.

"She watches our mouths. She's really good at it. And she can tell who's coming by the vibrations in the ground." I explained. Pinefall nodded. Whitestar seemed surprised also by the kits gift.

"So I need to call forth a meeting don't I." he said. We all nodded in unison. With a flick of his tail, he headed out of his large den and we followed a few paces behind. He hopped on top of a ledge that stuck out of the camp wall. The walls of the camp were solid rock, except for a few covered holes where everyone slept, and also a tunnel that exits to the moorland. The medicine cats den was in a far corner. I launched myself on to it beside Whitestar. Pinefall went up beside me.

"Maybe I should explain this time." Pinefall whispered.

"No I can do it." I replied. He nodded and sat down beside me.

"Let all cats old enough to catch there own prey, join us beneath High Ledge for a clan meeting." Whitestar yowled throughout the camp, his voice echoing off the stone walls. Cats started streaming out of all the dens. I glanced at my new clan below me. They were gathered in a line facing Windclan. Dewkit looked up at me to watch my mouth, so she knew what I was saying.

"Attention Windclan. I am Snowfire of Riverclan and come with news of a new clan arising. Here you see cats from each clan.They all have special elemental powers. Pinefall controls shadows, Dewkit also might have this ability, Blackheart and Tigerfang control thunder, rain, and clouds, and me well I  control water." I said pointing with my tail to each of my clan. "I have come here tonite to see who here has the power of wind." I said looking at all the cats. A sleek black shecat with a silvery grey chest and paws stepped forward. A gust of wind lifted her up and set her in front of me.

"My name is silversong and I have the power of wind." she said her amber eyes glowing with pride.

"Then will you join my clan?" I asked. She nodded.

"Then we are off. Tomorrow I would like Windclan to be at fourtrees by sunhigh. I expect to see you all there to here more of my news." I said. I jumped off the ledge and my newly forming clan followed me and Pinefall out of the camp. Pinefall took the lead and led us towards Fourtrees. I was beside him and everyone else plus Silversong followed us.

'We are becoming stronger as we take in each new elemental.' I thought. I looked to the sky. The stars shone brightly without a cloud in sight. The almost full moon looked like starpool that Snareclaw and I always go.

'oh-my-Starclan!' i thought with a jolt. i stopped and ran for the river. 

..~*~..Snowfire..~*~..a warriors storyWhere stories live. Discover now