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A/N: So I've decided that this book will have about 20 chapters, maybe plus an epilogue, so there's only six or seven left! After that I'll start another Zutara book, I already have an idea but I'm gonna keep it a secret for now. Just know, it will probably be longer :D

     Katara had slept in a tree that night, her ropes tied around her stomach and her bag on her legs. As she stargazed, a distant look on her face, she couldn't believe how much things had changed in the past few days. Zuko and she were...allies? Well, she wasn't sure. But at least they were on better terms. And Toph...Katara decided to push those thoughts from her mind. She couldn't bear to watch the anthem that night. Luckily, she was undisturbed for the next ten hours as she slept.

     When she woke up, the sun was high in the air. The temperature was warm, but not too warm, and everything in the arena looked pleasant. Deceptively pleasant, Katara realized as she looked around for Toph and the weight of what happened yesterday fell on her shoulders.

     Now there were only six left. She, Zuko, Jet, Azula, Haru, and Jin. Only a fourth of the kids that left for the arena was still alive.

     Katara didn't know what to do. Last night she had promised herself that she wouldn't kill anybody anymore, but she also wanted to get out of the arena so bad it drove her crazy.

     Finally, she just decided to get out of the tree and find a more permanent hiding spot. Hopefully somewhere near water.

     She wandered the forest aimlessly for the whole morning, only stopping to eat one of the rolls Hama gave her because they were going bad. By early afternoon, all she had accomplished was refilling her water bottle.

     She tried to think about the other tributes. Jin must have been hiding, trying to wait out the other tributes. Katara remembered how during training Jin never practiced combat, just survival skills. That day seemed so long ago, having not even been a week. It was hard to believe that in such a short amount of time there were so many gone. Eighteen families were already mourning their children, grandchildren, or brothers and sisters.

     Haru, Katara hadn't seen him since the cornucopia. She just knew Toph's district partner had run into the tallgrass and had either moved or hadn't come out since. Haru was a strong earthbender, she didn't want to have a run in anytime soon with him.

      Jet and Azula, they were by far the most deadly. And the only other district partners besides her and Zuko. And the only Careers left. Katara would bet the two of them were sneaking around the arena together, looking for more tributes to prey on. She just hoped the two of them would kill each other before she had to cross them.

     Last, Katara thought of Zuko. From what Toph said, he was injured when she was captured. And from his screams that night, it seemed bad. Katara wondered if she should try and find him. Maybe even try to heal him.

     Katara choked out a bitter laugh. Like she could heal anyone. And how open would he even be to her help? Just because he didn't want her to die didn't mean the two of them were suddenly buddy-buddy.

     For now, she decided, she would just do what Jin was doing and hide.

     Katara sat down on another rock and pulled out an apple. She hadn't been eating regularly and it had taken a toll on her energy. Each step she took just made her more and more sluggish. But before she could even take a bite, the Capitol anthem started to play.

     Confusion flashed before the waterbender realized it must be an announcement. Usually, towards the end of the games, they added some sort of challenge or twist, so she wasn't surprised. She put down her apple and listened.

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