Chapter 11: I've Always Love You

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"STOP!" She giggled playfully as she tried to push Tom lightly much to her dismay, but Tom wouldn't budge as they both leaned for a sweet passionate kiss.

Emma felt Tom's warm lips kissed their way down to her neck and across to her shoulder. feeling the warmth they've always had.

"Ohh...Tom..." She softly moaned as Tom kissed her with passion.

They finally let go their kissed as they both giggled under their breaths.

Emma held his cheek with her soft hands as she stared into Tom's ocean blue orbs. "I Love You." She whispered softly.

"I Love You Too My Sweet Little Duckling." He whispered softly as he kissed her forehead.

Emma smiled as they both sat up. She held Tom's hand as they both smiled. "Come on lets pack your clothes up on your luggage, you might missed your flight to Vancouver already." She said while touching his chest.

Tom smiled as he held Emma's hand where she placed it on his chest, feeling the warmth within her.

Minutes later, Tom finally packed his last of his stuffs and locked his luggage as he took one last glance around the bedroom before he leaves.

"You ready?" Emma said as she appeared beside him.

Tom smiled weakly as he kissed her forehead. "Yeah, I'm ready Em," He then suddenly took off his Slytherin gold necklace as he handed to Emma's palm.

"What? You don't have to give me this Slytherin necklace" She laughed.

Tom chuckled as he cupped her cheek. "You will Char, That necklace will reminded you that I'm always there by your side" He smiled.

Emma laughed and playfully slapped his arm. "Oh, then I'm giving you my Gryffindor necklace. then." She smirked as she tried took it off her necklace, but Tom refused.

"I don't need anything to remember you Char. You're always here," He pointed his head,

"-And here." he pointed to his heart.

Emma giggled and slapped his arm, "Why are you being so dramatic Tom!"

"Because I've Always Love you since the very beginning Char," He winked.

That Made Emma blushed redder as ever as Tom laughed.

-End Of The Earlier Flashback-

Emma laughed as she remember what Tom said to her earlier. Suddenly she covered her mouth as she immediately rushed towards the bathroom.

Willow was confused for a second as she immediately followed Emma towards the bathroom.

She opened the door and immediately vomited again in the sink. She felt very nauseous again but soon it slipped away. She turned on the faucet as she immediately washed her vomit from the sink and also her mouth.

"Must have been the Choco..."She muttered. Emma glance herself at the mirror as she tucked her hair behind her ears.

She turned around and looked down at Willow who was getting worried.

Emma chuckled as she kneel down on Willow, while patting her head. "I'm fine Wils, It must have been the choco, I've drank earlier."

Willow followed as they made their way back to the living room as she laid down on Emma's lap as they both watched some movies together while they both relaxed themselves together.


30 minutes later, Tom finally arrived at the L.A International Airport as Kelly dropped him off on entrance.

"Thanks Kelly." Tom smiled as he hopped off.

Kelly chuckled "Its always a pleasure Tom."

Tom grab his luggage from the trunk of the car as he closed it and gave it thumbs up. Kelly nodded as she looked at Tom at the rear view mirror as he gave her a thumbs up as she finally drove off.

Tom entered the airport and minutes later he was soon already on the plane. He found himself a seat as he put his luggage at the top of the overhead bin as many people passed him. Tom immediately sat down and grab his phone from his pocket as he immediately texted Emma.

Tom : Em, I'm already at the plane.

He waited for seconds as Emma immediately replied back.

Emma: Be safe, I Love you, call me when you finally arrived at Vancouver. Quack x

Tom giggled at her message as he immediately replied back.

Tom: I will, I Love you Too. Quack x

Tom smiled as he put back his phone from his pocket as he stared at the window. He then glance to his left and there were two kids on the other side beside him who were watching something on their phone.

Tom took quick glance as he noticed the kids were watching HP Prisoner of Azkaban on their phone.

Tom chuckled as the kids turned to him.

"Wait, You're Draco Malfoy." The kids said in unison.

Tom laughed as he quickly nodded "I'am. I see you guys were watching Prisoner of Azkaban, Ey?" He smirked at kids.

The kids giggled as they nodded while showing the scene of Him where he gets punched by Emma. Tom laughed as Emma quickly punched him on the face right on the scene.

"Tell me guys, what are your favorite houses?" he asked.

The kids smirked back at Tom."Well we both liked Slytherins" they said in unison.

"Your favorite spells?" He chuckled, while asking them both.

"Avada Kadavra!" they said in unison as they both laughed.

Tom laughed as he took deep sighed. "Totally 100% Slytherin." as he glance at the Window.

Soon the Plane took off the ground as it leave Los Angeles. Tom took nap as the flight would take 2 hours of traveling before they all arrived on their destination towards Vancouver.

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