Penny Lane

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Harry's POV

"Oh fuck." I take off after her.

When I get to the beach I see Elizabeth sprawled in the sand. Al's son Charlie is crying. He's standing over Elizabeth. Sheryl is crouched down in front of him.

"I was driving and I hit a hole. It tipped over. Is she okay?" Charlie sobs out.

Aspen is kneeling in the sand. I pick the four wheeler up off its side and turn off the key.

"Bean... baby can you hear me?" Aspen asks softly. Her hands are shaking as she checks Elizabeth.


"Yes, I'm here Bean. Can you move your fingers and toes for me?"

Elizabeth wriggles her fingers and toes.

I move around to the front of Elizabeth's head. She's got a nasty gash across her forehead.

"Did she fall on her neck?" Aspen looks back at Charlie.

He shakes his head. "No. She hit her head on the handle bar when she landed. I'm so sorry."

"It was an accident sweetheart." Elizabeth says softly. "Bean, can you open your eyes and look at me?"

Elizabeth blinks her eyes open. "Hi mom."

"Where's your helmet Elizabeth?" Aspen asks softly.

"We couldn't find both of them. I made Charlie wear it." She answers. "I wanted him to be safe."

Aspen is internally losing her shit. I can tell. She looks at the crowd of my friends gathered around us. "Jeff can you go find April for me please? Bean I'm going to pick you up okay?"

"Okay mommy."

"I'll get her." I scoop her into my arms. Making sure to keep her neck straight. Aspen walks next to me as we get Elizabeth up to the house. I lay her down on the couch.

Aspen looks at me. "Can you get me some warm water and a washcloth? I need to get the blood off so I can see." Her voice is calm, but her whole body is shaking. She's scared.

I move quickly to the kitchen. My mum is already at the sink filling a bowl with water. She hands me some towels. "Thank you."

I hand the supplies to Aspen and she starts wiping Elizabeth's face.

"Hey Bean. I heard you hit your head." April runs in. She has a bag on her shoulder. I move out of the way. "Let Auntie take a look."

Aspen looks at April. "Pupils are reactive. No sign of trauma to the spine or neck. Laceration on her forehead."

"Good. Let me just..." April leans down. "Pretty good gash here kiddo." She looks at Aspen. "Do you need to go take a minute?"

Aspen shakes her head. Her body practically vibrating. "I'm alright."

April touches around Elizabeth's head. "Not concaved. That's good. I have some liquid stitches. We can glue the skin shut and she will be fine."

"Ice 20 min on 20 min off for the next 24 hours. Watch for concussion. Alternate Ibuprofen and Tylenol for swelling." Aspen nods.

"Yep. Give us 10 minutes you'll be right as rain kiddo."

I see April pull some stuff out of her bag. She cleans the wound with antiseptic and a bottle of what looks like water but says saline on it. After patting it dry she pulls something else out of her bag and applies it to the skin. Holding it together.

Aspen looks over to see Evelyn crying in Gemma's arms. "Hey...Bug...sissy is okay. She's okay."

"Her head is okay?" Evelyn wonders.

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