Hey Bitch, Want Margaritas

Start from the beginning

I sigh. "He's too good for me." 

"Why? Because he is the most adored man on the planet?" April laughs.

"Kind of yeah." I grin at her. "I mean look at him. He's just...he's so Harry. There's no other way to describe him. I keep waiting for the moment that this is going to all come crashing down." I chew on my lip. "I'm scared, April. I'm fucking crazy about him. I actually told him I loved him. You know what a big deal that is for me." 

"You know what… for as long as I've known you, you've lived for everyone else. You take care of everyone else. You've sacrificed so much for all the people that you love. You're a fucking amazing person. You need to live in this moment for you. Because you're fucking happy. He makes you happy. Grab life by his balls or whatever. It might not work out, but you've been together for two years and I've never seen you like this. So don't focus on the what if it falls apart aspect. Focus on the now. Love him with everything you've got while you got it. Who knows maybe you'll get married and pop out four more babies." 

Harry walks over to me. "Come dance with me." He holds his hand out. 

April gives me a look, like I fucking told you bitch. 

I push my chair back, taking his hand and letting him lead me to the lawn. Faithfully by Journey filters out through some speakers. He wraps me in his arms and sways me to the music. 

"I love this song." I comment. 

Harry kisses my head. He starts to sing into my ear. Goosebumps breakout along my skin. He spins me away from him, then pulls me back. His lips brush against mine. "I'm forever yours, forever yours. Faithfully." 

As the song ends he smiles down at me. "I love you baby." 

I lean up on my tiptoes to kiss him. "I love you twinklepants." 

He throws his head back laughing. "My mum and Gemma are coming" 

My eyes widen, a smile breaking out over my face. "Really? When?" 

He nods. "Mmm for Christmas." 

"I can't wait to see them again. I love them." I chew on my lip. 

"They love you." He grins down at me. 

"Even though I'm foul-mouthed and obnoxious?" I smirk at him. 

"Because you are you." He spins me around again. 

"Can I keep you?" I ask looking into his eyes. 

He smiles down at me. "It would break my heart if you didn't." 

I close my eyes and lean my head into his chest. He slays me. 

"You ready to go to bed baby?" He looks down at me. 

"One more song." I didn't want this to end. Dancing with him outside as the warm breeze drifted over our skin, the sound of the waves lapping against the beach. The moon shining brightly above us.

He chuckles against my neck. "I love dancing in the moonlight with you." 


Harry's POV 

"Baby!" I call out. I've just gotten back to the house. My mum and sister are with me. 

I hear something in the kitchen. 

"I think she's in there." I look behind me. 

We walk into the kitchen. Pen is standing with her back to me. She has headphones in her ears and she is singing. 

"When the rain is blowing in your face, and the whole world is on your case, I can offer you a warm embrace to make you feel my love. When the evening shadows and the stars appear and there is no one there to dry your tears. I could hold you for a million years. To make you feel my love. I know you haven't made your mind up yet. But I will never do you wrong. I've known it from the moment that we met. No doubt in my mind where you belong. I'd go hungry I go black and blue. I'd go crawling down the avenue. No there's nothing that I wouldn't do….WHAT THE FUCK!" She shouts as she turns around to find me gaping at her. She takes the headphones out of her ear. "You scared the shit out of me Harry! What the hell?"

Her hand is on her heart. She looks behind me. "Oh god. I'm so sorry." She grabs a towel and wipes her hands. "Hi...Um...I'm sorry about the mouth. I wasn't expecting you to be here so quickly..." 

I'm in shock. How have I dated this woman for two years and I didn't know she could sing like that? "Do it again." I step in front of her. 

"Harry." She narrows her eyes at me. "Move please." 

"Do it again." I repeat. 

She's looking at me like I've lost my mind. "Harry I'd like to hug your mom and Gemma." She's annoyed which normally would amuse me. She's cute when she's irritated. 

"Do it again." I put my hands on my hips. 

Aspen rolls her eyes and steps to my side. "You’re being a weirdo." 

I turn to see my mom and sister looking at us with curious smiles on their faces. "Hi..."

"Come here lovey." My mum pulls Aspen into her arms and kisses her head.

"I've missed you so much Pen." My sister steps forward and wraps Aspen in her arms.

"I was just making some lunch for everyone, are you hungry?" 

"Starving actually." Gemma grins, looping her arm through Aspen's. "But first I want to see our girls and meet this Emma, and April I've been hearing so much about."

Right on queue Evelyn busts into the kitchen. Her blonde hair has lightened so much from all the sun it looks white. 

"Mommy! Is the food ready? I'm bloody starving." 

I can't help it, I start laughing at the look on Aspen's face. "Evelyn!" 

"What?" She grins up at me. I scoop her into my arms. 

"Eviebug look who's here." 

"Hi Haz's mum. Hi Gemma." She beams at them. Her big blue eyes shinning, with mischief. 

"Hi." My sister is giggling. It's hard not to. Evelyn is fucking adorable. I love how she has developed a little British accent when she spends so much time with me. 

We hear a loud crash outside. I hear Kid's voice. "Oh shit! ASPEN!" 

Aspen doesn't hesitate she runs out of the kitchen. I hand Evelyn to Gemma and follow. 

"What happened?" I look over at Kid. 

He points to the beach. There's a four wheeler turned over on it's side. I see Aspen sprinting towards a pair of legs. Those are Elizabeth's legs. My heart drops to my stomach. 

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