
So how'd it go Jake asked her as she walked in

Exhausting she said holding her arm to her chest

Come on he said bending down and picking her up by her hips slinging her over his shoulder he walked to there room setting her down

Ow ow ow she said as he took her shoe off he looked at her

Sorry he said he took her brace off looking at her ankle "Does it hurt" she nodded

Just a little bit I haven't stood that long so that's pry why she said he nodded

I'll get you some ice he said standing up he kissed her head walking out "What are you doing" Sky looked seeing the guys with there phones out Jake looked back at her

Bro fuck off leave us AlOnE she said Jake laughed pushing past them getting her a ice pack

Here he said seeing she was on her side of the bed her foot elevated on a couch pillow he sat the ice pack on her foot "You arm?"

It's fine she said he nodded "Where's Maggie?"

Kat and Devyn took her out to eat he said she shook her head he laughed getting up and grabbing the remote turning the tv on she grunted trying to reposition herself "You good" he asked with a slight laugh she groaned falling back

I need to move she said he laughed

You hungry he asked she nodded he got up grabbing her brace putting it on her foot and her shoe he helped her up they walked out he slipped on some of his shoes and got in his car she chuckled seeing them park at the malls parking lot she got out smiling Jake grabbed her hand as they walked in

Thank you she said looking up at him he smiled looking down at her

Your welcome he said swinging there hands she giggled "K what do you want to eat" she grinned

Tacie Bell she said he laughed

Be back he said kissing her head running off she sat down

Hey a guy said she looked up seeing a guy about her age she gave him a small smile "So what's a pretty lady like you doing all by yourself" he pulled a chair out sitting by her she looked at the chair then him

Not by myself buddy she said setting her phone down she looked over seeing Jake ordering there food

Hm really he asked

Yup she said looking at him leaning back in her chair

And who is this person he asked leaning forward

My BoYfRiEnD she said he chuckled

And where is this BoYfRiEnD he asked

Gettin food dumbass where the fuck else where he'd be she snapped

Hm feisty I like it he said nodding leaning back

Your not gonna like it when my foot goes up your AsS she said he laughed

Sure he said leaning forward again

Motherfucker get away from me she said giving him a look

I wanna see this boyfriend of yours he said she glared at him

Sky Jake said looking at the guy the guy stood up seeing he was much taller

Sorry man he said

Oh now you apologize Sky said

What happened Jake asked

Sorry man she was hitting on me he said

Bitch Sky said looking at him Jake knew he was lying

Please leave Jake said he nodded walking away "You okay" he rushed to her she nodded

Little perra she said glaring the guy Jake sat her down

Calm down stuff your face he said she laughed

Thank you she said kissing his cheek and eating her burrito she looked over seeing the guy staring her down she rolled her eyes

So aren't we supposed to be going to James house tonight for diner Jake asked she looked up thinking she nodded slowly

Yeah I think let me ask she said standing taking her phone out her back pocket she used her face I.D and texted James "He said yeah" she stood up again putting her phone in her back pocket sitting down

That's in about three hours he said looking at his phone she nodded

Probably should have the guys get ready knowing how slow they are she said he nodded she pulled her phone out again getting the the group chat

Get ready dumbasses we gotta be at James house in three hours she sent the text Jake laughed turning his phone off

Yes mom Corey texted Colby and Sam texted the same thing

I'm not that only Jesus stop calling me mom she texted Jake laughed again

Only Maggie is allowed to call her mom Jake texted she looked at him high fiving him he laughed

You done he asked her she nodded they stood up grabbing all there trash "I got it I got it" he said seeing her limp she sat down holding her ankle

Fuck she whispered

Where did Elton have your pain killers he asked

Car she said

Be right back he said kissing her head running out she held her ankle as it throbbed with pain he soon came back holding her pill bottle he handed her two of them she put them in her mouth and drank her water "Better?" she looked up at him "It's okay it's still healing" he said knowing she was thinking there was something wrong with her ankle she nodded "Come on let's head home get Mags then we can head to James" she nodded as he helped her up she bounced a bit not wanting to make it worst by putting pressure on it "Get on my back" she smiled as he turned around his back to her she grabbed his shoulders using her good foot to jump on his back she laughed as he ran

No running a worker yelled

What Jake asked

No running he said

Oh sorry he said he laughed as he walked away "What are you laughin at"

You got in trouble she dragged laughing he laughed as they got outside he sat her down by the car opening the door for her "Thank you kind sir" she said in a fancy voice

Your welcome madam he said back in the fancy voice she laughed he closed the door going to the driver side getting in they drove back to the house she groaned

Fucking gate she growled getting out she walked putting the code it "What the fuck" she pulled her phone out "Colby come open this stupid gate"

There's a code Sky he said

Nevermind she said as Jake got the code right

Alright bye he said she hug up walking through the gate Jake chuckled as she went to the front door she opened it walking in

MOMMY Maggie yelled running to her she chuckled picking her up kissing her cheek

We ready Sky asked everyone nodded walking out Sky walked to Jake's car pushing the seat up buckling her into the seat she pushed the seat back "I gotta take my car she said closing the door he nodded

Be safe he said she leaned through the window kissing him she walked to her car getting in Colby ran to her getting in the passenger seat he laughed pointing at Corey he glared pushing the seat up getting in the back along with Sam she rolled her eyes starting her car she backed out of her spot Jake following her car she revved her engine looking at the boys smiling

No they said she looked forward looking both ways before speeding out the guys screamed like little girls making her laugh

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