decendants truth or dare challenge

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Harry: hi everyone.
Mal: what happened Harry.
Harry: I am just bored.
Ben : so let's play truth or dare challenge.
Evie: yes good idea.
Harry: ok let's call Uma also.
Mal: yes, I am calling Uma you guys don't go anywhere ok.
Harry: yes sure beautiful.
Ben:  how dare you mal didn't love you she is married with me.
Harry: ok ok am just joking.
Ben: ok fine I take it serious.

There Mal is calling uma.
Uma : hi mal what's up.
Mal: hi uma you will play with us.
Uma : yes but what game.
Mal: truth or dare.
Uma: oh this is my favorite game.
Mal: good.
Uma: but where are you.
Mal: not only I am there are ben, evie, harry and I.
Uma: great idea but where.
Mal: in our friends group.
Uma: ok I am just coming to friends group.
Mal:  ok join fast.
Harry: here's Uma. Ok guys now we can start the game first Mal you come
Mal: ok.
Ben: truth or dare Mal.
Mal: Mmmmm...
Evie: should l choose for you mal.
Mal: no thanks. I choose dare.
Harry: let me think Mmmmm...
Uma: I have a dare for mal.
Mal: I am ready for anything.
Uma: ok, I dare you to shave your eyebrows.
Mal: what I am ready for anything but shave my eyebrows no no give me any another dare.
Uma : no you said you are ready for anything.
Harry: ha ha you have to shave your eyebrows.
Mal: I know but I will look ugly.
Ben: don't worry Mal I will be still loving you😘.
Mal: ok you say so I will do it.
Uma : before send us a picture.
Mal: ok.
Mal send a picture to everyone.
Ben: looking good.
Mal: but after shave will laugh at me.
Ben: just don't worry do the shave.
Mal: ok.
Mal shave her eyebrows
Mal: I have done it.
Uma show us a picture.
Mal : ok, here it is.
Mal send a picture
Harry: haha I'm ha so proud of you haha you have done your job hahah hahahahaha....
Mal : is I am looking so stupid 😭
Uma: yes hahahahaha.
Evie: don't listen to them you are looking nice.
Ben: Evie is telling truth Mal.
Mal: ok I have stopped crying.
Harry: sorry.
Uma: I am also sorry
Mal: who is next.
Evie: ben.
Ben: ok I will choose better truth.
Evie: ok ben say this truth. What is your danger in your life.
Ben: easy losing Mal
Mal: awww Ben.
Evie: you guys are so annoying and lovely.
Mal: ok who is next.
Evie: I am
Harry: ok.
Ben: ok
Uma: ok truth or dare Evie
Evie: truth.
Harry: ok Evie say are you jealous that mal is queen of aurodon.
Evie: how can you ask me that question.
Uma: say the answer.
Evie: ok I am jealous that Mal is queen of aurodon.
Mal: Evie I thought that we are best friends and you are happy for me no no it cannot possible.
Evie: I also dreamd all night to be a queen.
Ben: yes Mal Evie is saying write because becoming a queen is no a little finger thing.
Mal: sorry.
Evie: that's ok
Harry: uma next.
Uma: ok I choose truth.
Evie : who is your target.
Evie: means is you love enyone but he didn't love you.
Uma: haha I didn't have crush on enyone.
Mal: lying I saw you secretly chatting with someone and laughing.
Harry: now you have to say the truth uma
Uma: ok it's you.
Ben : who
Uma: Harry.

Harry: uma and I really love you.
Mal:  ok now Harry's turn
Ben: harry truth or dare
Harry: dare
Mal: ok I dare you to kiss uma
Harry: I always wanted to kiss uma.
Uma: is that little crazy.
Harry: not crazy I love you you you love me so that is not crazy ok now I'm going to Uma in her room.
Harry reach Uma and kiss her
Harry: I did it
Uma: it's really happens
Ben:  I am so proud of yo Harry
Mal it's to late bye
Everyone bye see you tomorrow

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⏰ Huling update: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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