She shifts her body, her eyes bouncing around the room in avoidance. Y/N is still new to intimacy. Reid knows, although she hasn't mentioned it before.

She gulps, "And you do."

Reid's heart pounds in his chest as he lifts his hand, placing it on her cheek. He caresses her cheek, his touch calming her trembling lip. He raises his left hand and places it on her other cheek, his lips lowering down to her forehead.

Spencer feels himself turn into putty as he hovers his lips over her forehead, his body filling with electricity from the feeling. As he moves away, Y/N grabs his chin and reaches up to him, planting a soft kiss on his lips.

Reid freezes, the sudden act taking him by surprise. It isn't a kiss that leads any further, but it still makes him tingly inside.

Y/N twitches him a smile and runs back to her room, leaving the door slightly ajar.

As Reid stands alone in the kitchen, he can't stop the butterflies that erupt in his stomach. He hasn't kissed anyone in over a year and neither has he had this strong of an urge since then.

He likes the feeling. No, not like-love. He loves the feeling.

Y/N's POV:

You close the door behind you and look down at the wooden floor, your broken heart pumping strongly. You start to think that if Reid stays, if he continues to "protect" you during your recovery, you'll truly become happier as time passes by. At least that's what you hope.

You run to your dresser and pull out a black pair of underwear along with a matching black bra. You then walk over to your closet and scrimmage through, picking out a navy blue v neck long sleeve and black slacks.

As you walk to your bathroom, a knock stops you in your steps. "Come in," you say.

Reid walks in and offers a warm smile, to which you return. He opens his mouth but immediately closes it, gathering his words you suppose.

"I have to get my clothes," he finally says.

He stands awkwardly by your door, the expression on his face crooked like he wanted to say something else.

"Okay," you pause. "You can go, i'll be fine."

"I don't want to leave you alone."

You scoff quietly, his constant reminder that you weren't fine cracking your skin. You want to forget, but something like that can't be forgotten, especially after only 8 hours.

"You can take all of the pills in my cabinet if you want."

He lets out a loud sigh and combs his hair back, his hand on the doorway. You can tell he's tired. The bags under his eyes are dark and heavy, like he hasn't slept in years. And he probably hasn't.

"You don't trust me, do you?" you ask, his answer already guaranteed in your mind. It was going to be a no.

He hesitates for a second, "I just- Y/N you tried killing yourself last night. I don't want to leave you alone, not right now."

"Fine," you purse your lips, quickly grabbing your go bag from across the room. You jog to your restroom and grab your essentials- toothbrush, shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste, face wash- and then you stuff your bag with your lotions and perfumes. You put on your shoes and flick your eyes back to Reid, who was already staring at you.

"Let's go."

You stare deeply at yourself in the restroom, almost forgetting that you have a job to attend to. Your eyes roll down your body, your waist cinched by the belt around your high-waisted pants. You're beautiful, except your true beauty is covered by the dark bags weighing under your eyes and the puffiness surrounding your face.

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