Nearly a month has passed since the first moment Katya has kicked down her cute roommates door (I guess it was her door now, too), and her harmless crush she'd got from that day was now proving to be more...troublesome. Instead of just having a mildy raised heart rate, she now got full on heart palpatations whenever she was around, to the point that she felt almost lightheaded. Instead of being the confident tease in the duo, she was fumbling on her words like a fucking substitute calling roll. And instead of her losing interest quickly like usual, she only grew more and more attracted to Trixie with every passing day. The way she constantly bit her bottom lip to hide her smile, the way her eyes scrunched when she did finally did smile, the way she quickly gave up playing hard to get and laughed the most endearing and chaotic-

"Anyway, as I was- you aren't even pretending to listen at this point, babe" Adore scolded, rolling her eyes.

Katya stirred slightly from her daydream, ""

"Are you dreaming about Trixie again, you fucking lesbian"

"What? Of course not"

"Oh my god you so are, look how red you've gone" Adore sighed, shaking her head.

"Ugh shut up, I'm just distracted today" Katya grumbled, burying her face in her hands, "I can only take so much of your hetero talk"

"Oh whatever, like you're much better" Adore scoffed, "I can only take so many 'I'm boutta simp 😔' texts a day before I start to lose my mind too"

"Well at least I don't let myself get played and then act surprised when it was literally written in the stars" She replied, slurping loudly.

Adore gasped and instantly whacked the Blonde on the arm, "First of all, Jackson is different, and secondly, I think trying and failing is better than not trying at all"

"...I do try-"

"Abiguosly flirting aka roasting is not trying. You'd literally rather quit smoking than confess your feelings"

"Oh would you look at that, how time flies. I better be-"

"Nope, don't even think about running off"

Katya's phone began to buzz on the table, a mugshot of Max appearing to indicate that she was calling.

"Oh I'd better take this,urgent work call"

"Don't you dare-"

Katya was long out of earshot by the time the sentence had concluded. Max always came through in a pinch.

"Yo, are you and Adore about?"

Katya snorted slightly at the thought of either of them being busy, "What do you think the answer is to that question"

"Okay great, I need your help with something"

"Is it a lot of effort"


"Just spit it out, girl" Katya prompted, immediately rolling her eyes.

"Well, as you know, I've been mingling with different groups on campus, making acquaintances and such to get some capital"

"The usual"

"Exactly. So I've managed to wiggle into the sexy party girls group a little-"

"Aren't we the sexy party girls?"

"It's Sexy with a capital S, we're more like s e x y- stop getting me off track"

"Sorry, do continue" Katya answered as she giggled.

"So since their a party crowd, they're heading to some semi public rave tonight and are looking for a plug...and I may or may not have said I'd do the buying"

Katya burst out laughing as the words left Max's lips.

"You get anxious buying medical marijuana, how do you think you're gonna cope sis"

"Yeah I know right, that's why I need you two to come"

"Because we're drug addicts?" Katya said loudly so Adore could hear, earning a laugh.

"Because you're experienced. If something goes wrong I'll feel better if you're there"

"You want us so to get arrested too?"

"Ugh, you know what I mean. I'll not book it instantly if you two keep me sane"

Katya tilted her head as she thought about it. She did have art work due on Monday, but she could cram it all tomorrow...probably.

"Can we tag along after?"

"I mean, I don't see why not"

"Where do you wanna meet?"

"I'll come to you, five guys right?"


"You're literally always there, it's practically a given"

Katya huffed in amusement before clicking the call closed, turning back to explain to Adore their last minute plans.

"Do you know who's in the so called 'sexy' sorority crowd?"

"I think so, why?" Adore answered, not glancing up from her phone.

"We're buying for them tonight with Max-"

"We are?"

"-and I'm curious about who they are"

She paused as she considered, "Well, I know Willam Belli is for sure"

"Ugh, really?" Katya groaned.

"I think that's the worst of it, the rest are chill as far as I remember" Adore agreed, now clicking her phone off and focusing, "There's Gigi, Crystal... Lexi, Sasha...fuck what was the other one called"

"What did she look like?"

"Uh, blonde? And kinda short"

"...thats literally every girl ever"

"I think you mean Courtney, Courtney Act?" an all too familiar third voice called. The two turned to see Max approaching. She wore a black constellation crop top, a yellow Adidas bomber and plaid yellow trousers, her silver hair braided into a plat and a pair of vsco girl sunglasses hanging gently on the rim of her nose.

"Oh god, the Australian one?"

"You know her?" She replied, elbowing Adore playfully to get her to shuffle up.

"Yeah, she's Trixies hookup at the moment" Katya replied, unable to hide the jealousy in her voice,making Adore scoff slightly in disappointment.

"Okay I'm still confused" Adore piped up after a moment, "How'd you get here do fast?"

"I happened to be around-"

"And why are we going out with these girls again?"

"I imagine it's because you've got the hots for someone, right?" Katya deducted, resting her chin on her hand as she leaned in to tease Max.

"Well I-uh-" Max spluttered, staring down at the table to avoid eye contact with the blonde.

"Oh my god, spill" Adore inquired, following Katya's example.

"I mean...Sasha is pretty cute"

"Oh she's gorgeous are you kidding me" Adore agreed, "you should definitely make a move"

Max nodded with feigned interest. It was obvious to Katya that she was lying.


I truly cba to go back and grammar check rn, I'll publish it and do it later.

This was kind of a filler chapter so bare with me. Trixya will meet again in the next part.

Hope yall are well x

token punk ~ trixya college/roommates auWhere stories live. Discover now