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This story used to be on my main account on a different site. I have decided to put it on here. Unauthorized posting of this story, in part or in whole, whether or not it has been rewritten, will be reported upon discovery.

Title: To the Stars and Back again
Category: TV Shows » Stargate: SG-1
Author: PhantomBrat
Language: English, Rating: Rated: K+
Genre: Adventure/Sci-Fi
Published: 10-13-10, Updated: 01-30-11
Chapters: 22, Words: 48,207

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

I decided to use my two month vacation to check out the Domino Museum's exhibit on Ancient Egypt. The whole team had come to Japan to take a break from reality a month ago. I found a stone tablet there and decided to test my translation skills.

I had just barely finished when I noticed a boy that came up to look at the same tablet. The boy glanced at my notebook, "You got a line wrong, Sir. It's the fifth one down." The boy pointed to it and that's when I noticed it, "Thank you, little boy." The boy pouted, "It's not boy and I'm not little. I'm a high school student and my name's Yugi."

That's when I looked directly at him. The boy who had just introduced himself as Yugi looked like the figure on the stone tablet. I decided to investigate this further. "Sorry about that, I'm Daniel Jackson. Could I get a photo of you and the tablet? I'd like to remember that you helped me with this translation," I said, trying to play the hopeless tourist. Yugi shrugged, "Sure. But I have to leave afterwards. That is unless you need a local to guide you around. If so, I can call my Grandpa and let him know that I'll be late for the tournament at the shop."

"I'd appreciate that, Yugi," I told the unusually small teenager. I took his picture and we left the museum. "So what type of tournament were you going to go to," I inquired. Yugi pulled something out of a pouch that he had on his waist. I looked at the object in his hand. "These are Duel Monster cards. My best friend and I were two of the top duelists in the Battle City Tournament last year," he said. "If it weren't for my friends, I never would have been able to save my grandpa and the Kaiba brothers about two years ago."

I told him that I needed to stop at the hotel to drop some things off and see of any of my teammates wanted to come along. "I'll wait out here for you, Mr. Jackson," Yugi said sitting down in a chair in the lobby. Perfect, now I can alert my friends to the boy's presence without him knowing. I nodded and headed to the room. Jack and Teal'c were watching TV while Sam was reading a book. "Guys, I have something you might want to know about," I said pulling out the picture and placing it on the table in front of Sam. She looked at it, "This boy looks like the figure carved in the tablet. That's impossible, unless he's a Gou'ald." Jack jumped up to get a look at the picture, "Where is this kid now?"

"He's in the lobby waiting to play the role of tour guide," I answered. "I thought it best to have you check him out Sam. I wouldn't have thought twice about the sheer coincidence with his appearance, but when he said that I got a translation wrong, I was concerned." Teal'c spoke up as Sam left the room, "That was wise, Daniel Jackson. Let us hope that this youth isn't a host."

Five minutes later, Sam returned, "I sensed nothing from the boy. It could just be a coincidence that he looks like that figure on the tablet." I shrugged, "I guess. But that doesn't explain how he could read Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs."


"Yami, I don't think it was a good idea to tell him that he mistranslated a section of text."

"Yugi, he was going to miss the meaning of the carvings if we didn't"

I sighed, "But now I get the feeling that we're in for another mishap."

To the Stars and Back AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora